How to be if my boyfriend is imprisoned

How to be if my boyfriend is imprisoned

In case the guy suddenly unexpectedly went to prison or if it becomes clear that the pleasant young man serves sentence, it is important to solve for himself: whether such satellite in life is necessary. And already on the basis of it to build further relationship or to tear off all contacts.


1. Think: whether feelings to the guy are so strong to wait for many years, so far he to be released? Perhaps, for these years it to turn out to find the new guy, to construct with him the strong relations, to marry him and to start a family. And to wait – means, to lose years and not to be sure up to the end of bright future.

2. Think: most likely, the guy will go out of prison with absolutely other character, than was earlier. Do not leave the mark on the rare person of the place of detention. Many come back with the broken mentality, and after departure of term you will not be able even to communicate in one language. It is necessary or reconcile to it, or to leave. Even it is clean from the psychological point of view come back because of a barbed wire difficultly to get used to new, free life. Of course, if the person to prison had strong moral principles and strong character, then the prison "will not break" him.

3. Consider prospects of the further life with this guy. That life when he goes out of prison. Most likely, old friends from him to turn away, but will appear new – those with whom it "wound term". To find good work with criminal record very difficult. And from impossibility to construct normal life many former criminals either become an inveterate drunkard, or begin to commit new crimes. Not all, of course. There are such who manage to graduate and make good career, but such units.

4. If you make the decision to continue the relations with this guy, be ready to various difficulties. It will be very difficult to explain this decision to your parents – for them it will be big shock. Assert the right to love the prisoner: adjust the life, get an education, you become independent. When the beloved goes out of prison, you should encourage him not only, but also is material. And in further life be ready to solve with the judged person independently all financial problems of family.

5. Think also of one aspect of life with the judged person. If your career in the future goes uphill, not to see the highest senior positions: the security service will check all the candidate's relatives. The same can be told about prospects to hold large senior positions in state structures. The unenviable destiny expects also children: beginning from negative attitude from peers at school and finishing serious restrictions in public service.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
