How to be prepared for paternity

How to be prepared for paternity

Both very safe conception, and pre-natal development and also the general condition of future kid directly depend not only on mother, but also on the father. Today married couples which with full responsibility approach a question of planning of family not so are not enough. As a result such couples manage to realize all responsibility of paternity and motherhood still before their kid is born.

By the nature it is conceived so that the child was brought up in common by the father and mother, and society since the childhood prepares boys and girls for a role of parents. Having matured, two lovers start a new family and after a while think of children who will become their continuation and will bring bright emotions in everyday family life. Emergence in family of the baby awakens feelings unknown before in the man and the woman, but not each man is psychologically ready to a meeting with the child.

Morally to be prepared for paternity, to future fathers there can be useful following councils:

1. First of all, you should fall in love with housework or at least simpler to begin to treat it. When the kid is born, mother will be constantly busy with him: that feeding, dream, bathing. Many young mothers will readily confirm that there is catastrophically not enough time for washing, cleaning and preparation of a dinner, the child for a minute does not give the chance to be engaged in homework.

2. Keep calm and a positive spirit at any situations. Young mother can worry at first in each occasion and blame herself for everything if seems to her that she incorrectly looks after the newborn. Probability of developing of a postnatal depression or just nervous breakdown is high, her life changed radically! Convince the wife that she does all correctly, and your life will enter the quiet course soon. Be it a reliable support and the loyal friend ready to console at any time. Even if you strongly were tired, increase the fatigue three times to understand, how difficultly to have to your wife now.

3. Develop own methods of communication with the baby. It is simpler to mother to calm the baby, having breastfed him, but also you can think up the way how to calm the crying child: sing to it a tender song, turn round and round with it in smooth dance about the room, lay it in a carriage and shake, or walk in the fresh air. You will surely find an effective way which will be applied only by you.

4. Embrace the wife more often. Right after childbirth, sex is impossible and if the woman transferred Cesarean section, she should abstain from the sexual relations long. But do not forget that right now your wife is in your caress and care especially in great need. Caress her, whisper gentle words and thank for such fine gift as the been born baby. Only present what she had to pass through that it was born!

5. Call to the aid relatives and friends. Grandmothers and grandfathers best of all can help with child care, they not only have rich life experience, but also huge sincere love for the children and grandsons. If to the aid relatives do not be counted, call close friends, let they will sit a couple of hours with your kid until you arrange romantic walk from the darling alone.

6. Get up at night in turn. Understand that your half dreams of a full-fledged dream too and very much is tired in a day of permanent care of the baby, so give it an opportunity at least a little to have a sleep. Even if at you only two days off and intense working week, but during week-end it is always possible to roll about longer in a bed, so and night awakenings will not be such heavy. Only keep in mind that children very sensitively catch mood of the parents and if you show discontent, your child will not be able to calm down for a long time.

7. You share experience with friends. All got used that young mothers constantly walk together, ask each other council and exchange experience on care for small children. But what prevents fathers to share valuable information too and to support each other during such difficult period of life? To you will calm down if you find same young daddy and you will be able to discuss with it all difficulties connected with the first days of life of newborns.

8. Enjoy this short-term period! Let at first, when you only get used to the child, you difficultly, constantly want to sleep, and fatigue knocks down, but as soon as your kid learns to smile and will present you the first smile, you will understand that all these difficulties were worth it!

So far before you the birth miracle will not open, and you will not feel the father, it will be difficult for you to understand how happy will become your life with emergence in it your native remains. But the child's birth does not mean at all that from now on you are lost for society, and all former pleasures of life are inaccessible to you now. Just now in your life there will be other values, and accents will be placed differently. But ahead of you waits for a set of wonderful opening which you should make together with the child: the first smile, the first word, the first step, the first friends and the first love …

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
