Men are attracted not by blondes, brunettes or red – they pay attention to women who watch themselves in all directions: health, appearance, style, character, behavior. You will succeed in it and you will become the most attractive to all men.
1. Begin with health. Anyway it is necessary to watch it, but some aspects become especially relevant in a question of involvement of men: the figure has to be harmonious – even the completeness or leanness can be healthy and beautiful. Be engaged in physical exercises and eat the correct food that, besides, will help to hold a figure normal. A full-fledged dream, hygiene and purity of a body, refusal of addictions – the integral components of your health.
2. You watch a face and hair. The man draws the closest attention to them. Look after skin in which first of all internal and age changes are reflected. You will be decorated by the correct make-up: for work and in everyday life it is better to stop the choice on natural tones. Hair have to be clean, pleasant color, smooth, are well cut and if necessary are taken away in an accurate hairstyle. Do not forget about manicure and a pedicure – details will make your shape faultless.
3. Carefully select clothes. It has to be clean, ironed and qualitative, but it is not obligatory expensive or branded. Work over creation of individual style, but you remember that vulgar deep decolletes, too short skirts and it is inappropriate the bared stomach have to be excluded. Competently you approach the choice of a daily image: all details have to be combined harmoniously with each other, does not prevent to add clothes with accessories.
4. You love yourself. Beautiful "picture" – only a part of your appeal, after interest appearance the man will surely want to communicate therefore psychologically you also have to be on the ball. You love yourself such what you are – you the good person with pleasant appearance and rich inner world. You are worthy the best therefore any underestimated self-assessment, only self-confidence which attracts to the woman of all men.
5. Work on character. Some lines which you also for certain want to correct can frighten off men even from the beautiful woman. They do not like pessimists who do not see anything good in life – smile more and adjust yourself on a positive. Women who consider all men fools and apostates or see in everyone the last chance of family happiness, will also not detain near themselves the stronger sex. Add the aforesaid with ability to flirt, communicate with men, to support any conversation, and you will attract to yourself any.