How to calm down and cease to be nervous when you can change nothing?

How to calm down and cease to be nervous when you can change nothing?

In beat the big city it is very difficult to remain always quiet. Often the person appears the victim of circumstances, and is simple to affect the course of events cannot. The alarm and concern – it our protection, thus, an organism informs us on threats, but this protection has to work correctly therefore it is so important to know how to calm down and cease to be nervous when you can change nothing.

If you are really resolutely ready and ready to learn how quickly to calm down and relax, then you need to get acquainted with our councils and recommendations.

How to cease to be nervous in each occasion?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what forces you to be nervous and does not allow to calm down:

  1. Be honest with themselves. Admit to yourself that you are nervous and you are on the verge of failure. It is not necessary to repeat that you are quiet, clenching fists behind the back.
  2. Find the cause of a stress. If it is difficult to you to get to the bottom independently of a key part of the problem, then it is necessary to ask about the help for the loved one. Let he will sound what you are afraid to say.
  3. Formulate a problem. It is very difficult to get out of a stressful situation, without knowing what its essence actually consists in. Honestly, standing in front of the mirror, name the problem, pick up the correct word which is completely characterizing a situation.

After the cause of a stress is found, it is necessary to understand whether you can influence a situation, thereby having changed the course of events. If is not present, then overcome the stress (rage, fatigue, nervousness, panic), and honestly tell yourself that not all in your hands and not in life of people can affect all events. Everything that can be made in this situation – to calm down and take the events for granted.

If you can influence a situation and turn everything in own favor, then it is necessary to address the section of psychology and to understand how to cease to be nervous:

  1. Reduce tension, approach a mirror, smile broadly (even if with a great effort), deeply inhale and slowly exhale.
  2. You will regale on a favourite dish and drink hot tea or coffee. Long ago it is known that in a stressful state glucose is necessary for a brain therefore pastries and sweet drink, help to overcome a stress. But it is not correct to jam a stress constantly! In everything it is necessary to know when to stop.
  3. Monotonous work – here that now is necessary for you. Psychologists unanimously repeat long ago that during a stress it is necessary to carry out monotonous movements because it helps to focus on a problem and to think soberly. Did you never think why the person when worries, unconsciously rushes about up and down?
  4. Sport and movement. Quickly to cease to be nervous, it is necessary to be in the movement constantly. Take earphones, turn on the rhythmical music and forward on jog or to the gym.
  5. Learn to represent the fears. Psychologists claim that if to draw the fidget reason on paper, then it is possible to cope with a stress much easier. This method allows to restore quickly balances and to look at a problem a new view.

The stress pursues us everywhere – houses, at work, on the way, it breaks work of our internals and drives the person in a depression. If in time to undertake nothing, the stress can send you to the grave. Therefore it is always so important to remain quiet and to make the weighed decisions.

It is important to understand what from the fact that you will spoil the health and to endure because of each trifle, nothing will change. You need to learn to find a fast way to calm down and recover in a stressful situation.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
