How to choose the guy

How to choose the guy

How to choose the guy to enter with him into the long serious relations, this question concerns any girl. The lack of rich life experience can lead to the fact that the friend chosen by you can be the villain and the traitor, to throw you into the most difficult moment. It is possible to make a right choice, based on our councils.


1. Analyze for yourself what qualities in the man for you main. If to you only the fact that he has money is important and he can give you expensive gifts, then these councils will not suit you. And here if you intend to find the person with whom you will start a strong family who will be to you a true friend and the defender, will love you from your children, then this advice will help you.

2. It is not necessary to create to himself a visual ideal image template and to reject all guys who do not correspond to it. First, you thereby cease to consider other options and considerably narrow an owl the choice. Believe that it is much more just nice young people, than those who have the true male and human qualities therefore look for them.

3. Your elect has to be the truthful, decent and responsible person, and he has to include in a zone of the responsibility also the close people. To you with him it has to be quiet and reliable, you have to have feeling of trust to it.

4. Your guy should not be suspicious and greedy. These two feelings are capable to spoil even quite good character eventually. If it is not able to overcome them, then through time it to turn into the grumbler, the bore and avaricious which is ready to save on your and own health for the sake of the illusive benefits.

5. Your elect has to be the courageous, but kind person who will never raise a hand against the woman and the child, will not offend an animal. He has to be able to empathize and come to the rescue weak and defenseless and to be able to fight back the boor.

6. Also the sense of humour will not prevent though it and not really obligatory criterion, but believe that with that person who can always joke of himself and circumstances, it is much easier to live.

7. There is more: never think that you will manage to correct cruelly, the false and mean person, with these qualities it is easier for it to live and hardly he will leave them even for the sake of you. Do not waste time better, look round around – through our councils you will find that with whom will be really great.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
