Each person who faced such problem as alcohol addiction, for certain knows that it is almost impossible to convince the loved one to throw to drink. This dependence is very hazardous to health from which the liver and heart suffers first of all. If the husband tries to drink constantly without the reason, it is worth paying on it special attention and to try to help darling to cope with this addiction.
1. If the person close to you, the spouse, becomes an inveterate drunkard in the eyes, but his destiny is not indifferent for you and he is actually dear to all family – you should not close eyes to this problem. Do not move away from him at all and do not try to hide him from strangers. Several factors will help to solve such problem as alcohol addiction: love, psychological approach, help and understanding of doctors. Do not take alcohol together with the spouse at all and do not give in to his arrangements.
2. You should not accuse the husband of addiction to binge, it is possible it has on that some reasons. But they most often are unconscious, they can be in behavior of the most favourite and close people. Before developing a certain action plan, try to find out a cause of illness thanks to which he tries to escape from reality. Most often it: frequent quarrels and misunderstanding in family, unloved work and the conflicts with the administration, fear of the future and lack of any prospects.
3. You should not talk to already drunk spouse. Wait until he sleeps it off, and only after that try to have with him a heart-to-heart talk, without shouts and hysterics. Tell him about the experiences and concerns, about change in your matrimonial relations and relations with children, it is also painful to them to observe constantly drunk father. Refuse at the same time councils and reproaches, diagnoses and questions. You speak only about the thoughts quiet and equal tone.
4. Occupy the husband with repair or some hobby that he just did not have time and desire to think of alcoholic beverages and furthermore to use them. Try to limit to all ways communication of the spouse with alcoholic fellow, then there will be no so bright desire to drink.
5. You descend together with the husband to the best psychologist who has an effective technique in fight against alcoholism. Most likely, it will be required to address long work with the psychologist who will be able to convince him to policlinic for further treatment.