Perhaps, you had to face unrequited love or to leave darling for some reason forever. If your feelings are rather strong, then you, of course, will suffer, and is very strong. These sufferings will hurt you, to prevent to live and work, can lead to a depression and nervous breakdowns. It is necessary "to cool" love and again to return itself desire to live further.
1. When you are in love, you do not want to notice shortcomings of darling and consciously close eyes to them. Try to look at him from outside, to remember some moments in your relations which could demonstrate its negative qualities. Remember, if you took a dislike to someone, then are ready to perceive everything that concerns him in bayonets. Try to transform the relation and to look at things differently, finding such background to events which would demonstrate nonsense, greed, meanness or cruelty of an object of your love.
2. Steep in affairs, in work. Be engaged in what you constantly postponed because of a lack of time. For example, make repair in the apartment and destroy all traces of former feeling. It is not obligatory to throw out everything on a garbage can if you do not raise a hand against these rarities then put everything in a box and push far away on a mezzanine that reminded nothing to you of this love. Charge yourself with more work, completely plunge into it that on sufferings there was no time left at all.
3. It is not obligatory to beat out a wedge a wedge and to try to meet someone to forget. You will suffer also and can hurt other person. Find to yourself some new occupation, hobby better to replace a circle of acquaintances and to get new friends. A great way – oriental dances, swimming, yoga, fitness. Attending classes, you will be physically tired, and at you less time will long, but also, their advantage is undoubted not only as a hobby, but also for your figure.
4. It is possible to cool love and to vanish in a trip in those places where you never before were. New meetings, new impressions and people are what will help you to understand that life does not come to an end and is ready to give you new surprises and to present new, happy love