Acquaintances through the Internet do not lose the popularity from year to year. Girls and guys not only from the different countries and the cities, but also living on one street get acquainted thus. Among inhabitants of dating sites, the swindlers of a different type wishing to have a good time or profit at the expense of others meet. Several simple ways will help you to secure themselves against disappointment, and the purse from the robber.
It is required to you
- computer
- Internet
- photos
1. For correspondence with new friends register a separate mailbox. Thanks to the letters sent to your mail it is possible to learn in what city and the country there lives an interlocutor. How truthful data he declared himself on the website, and in personal contact. Open the received letter, come into its properties - on of property are in the Still tab, further - ""Control headings"" On open the Properties of the Letter tab
2. Having opened properties of the letter in the line Received: from, look for the IP address - it is the unique identifier of the device connected to the Internet. The IP address looks as record of four figures from 0 to 255 divided by points, for example:
3. It is possible to obtain information on the IP address on the website of check of the addresses, for example: for this purpose copy the IP address from properties of the letter and insert into the check field. The swindler corresponding from one IP address can give himself for five, with different photos and names at once.
4. Check the photo of the new acquaintance. Swindlers often appropriate the photos stolen on social networks or other dating sites. Keep the sent photo on the computer. Load a photo into the search engine "Google of the picture".
5. The search engine ""Google"" ""Search in the picture"" will issue references to all similar photos, their arrangement and the size.
6. If you have only the photo posted on a dating site, it does not matter. Open the questionnaire, keep the image, having right-clicked on the photo, choose in the dropped-out Keep as... menu. If it cannot be made, make screen "Print Screen", having pressed the corresponding key in the top right corner of the keyboard. Open the standard program of editing the drawings "Paint" and insert the image. "Print Screen" takes a picture of everything that it is on the screen. Cut off a photo so that to remove all superfluous.