How to distribute the family budget

How to distribute the family budget

At the beginning of matrimonial life of a thought of money and other household problems seem insignificant and not noteworthy. But there passes time, the passion ceases, and everyone need to be bought day products, money for other expenses is required. Then understanding comes that without competent planning of the budget serious problems can begin.


1. For a start it is necessary to define what joins in the family budget and what sum on average turns out in a month. There are several options of formation of the family budget: the general (all income develops together), compromise (from the income of spouses there is only a part, about 70%, the rest remains on personal expenses) or the separate budget (money does not develop in the general copper, but certain expenses are assigned to each spouse). It is possible to choose one of ready techniques or to correct some of them under your situation.

2. Define items of expenditure. They differ on months, but there is a certain arch of obligatory expenditure which should be considered. Make the approximate list where you spend money. It is not obligatory to paint where each ruble leaves, it is possible to unite them on groups. For example, utility payments, credits, products. Opposite to each of them write the approximate sum of expenditure in a month.

3. Now distribute lists on two categories – obligatory and optional. Designate them by letters H and O. For example, it is necessary to pay products and bills every month, but you can refuse or reduce expenditure for visits of restaurants and theaters. Do not refuse completely entertainments, allocate a certain sum of money for rest.

4. In addition, there are expenses not monthly: purchase of the equipment, outerwear, footwear, a trip to the sea, they demand account too. It is possible to postpone every month a small part of income that to the necessary date to receive the necessary sum. For unforeseen situations it is better to have an untouchable stock on the bank account to which it is necessary to resort only as a last resort.

5. Now it is necessary to distribute income on items of expenditure. Count the sum of obligatory expenditure and postpone the necessary sum with a small stock. Usually on obligatory expenditure 50% of the general budget leave. Lay off 10-20% of total income for contingencies, and distribute the others on a holiday, purchase of clothes and other personal expenditure. A lot of things depend on your income and expenses, but approximate distribution of the family budget looks so.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
