Many families suffer from aggression of one of family members. How to fight against aggression of the husband? Councils for the matter.
1. It is impossible to take a situation for granted, to wait for enlightenments and to hope that all to stop by itself. Do not allow the man to break on you, do not look for to him justifications, otherwise it will become a habit, the husband will pour out more often on you all negative emotions.
2. Do not attribute aggression and fits of anger to its character. It is possible to find other sources where it is possible to pour out similar emotions. Physical activity, sports activities, well remove stress. If the husband systematically carps, abuses and humiliates the wife, it is a problem of other character against which it is necessary to fight.
3. Pick up a right moment when the husband is in good mood. Have quietly a talk with it, tell about your experiences, about constant fear to run into bad mood of the spouse, share with the husband that this situation makes you unfortunate. Offer it the solutions of problems. It is possible to address the expert who will quickly establish the reasons of such behavior and will give advice to all family members how to deal with this problem.
4. Often men after fits of anger and aggression, having calmed down, begin to regret the behavior. Apologize at wives, try to make amends, but over time the situation repeats. Observe recurrence of manifestation of aggression, what flashes of rage at the husband are connected with that irritates him, enrages.
5. It is possible to redirect negative energy of the husband to other course. If you feel that the storm becomes ripe, take urgent measures. Have sex with the spouse. It will remove stress, will weaken, the man will feel better and the need for shouts and scandals will disappear by itself. The main thing, do not force yourself, it has to bring pleasure not only the spouse, but also to you. Men feel tension, discontent of the woman.
6. Every day give though a little time to communication with the spouse. Let at it will become a habit to tell you about problems, the experiences. After the regular confidential conversations the need of emotion rudely will disappear to pour out.
7. Surround the spouse with care and heat. When he comes home, meet him with tenderness and a smile. The man will know that the house him is waited by the real support, care, he will be able quietly to have a rest, and is causeless to swing fists not the best option to calm down.