Renewal of relations is the difficult process requiring special attention and reflections. Before deciding on it, everything it is necessary to weigh and be convinced carefully that you need really it. If it is about approach to the man's heart.
1. Analyze your last relations. The large role is played by their duration, quality and also for what reason you left. If he was guilty, then be convinced that the guy changed and regrets for what occurred. If on the contrary, then you have to work at speaking before it, to win forgiveness and to convince of the feelings.
2. Behave according to a situation. If your fault, then in communication with it it is necessary to show deep respect and as required (when its feelings a little settle) to apologize, without raising the question of renewal of relations. If a situation opposite, then you need to hold a distance, letting know that its act affected you and it is unacceptable. But only be not overzealous that it did not look arrogantly. Your behavior has to induce it to apologize and show that you are ready to listen to it.
3. Let's it miss. Agree that life goes on, and there is no need to hold the guy, as if he only on the earth. Even if you very much love him. Time spent separately will help each of you to analyze your relations and to draw conclusions. From the girl it will be inappropriate to exasperate constantly the guy with calls, letters, SMS messages and to that similar. Moreover, do not show dependence on it, at once being enough phone to answer its call or the message. Be independent and free.
4. Solve a problem in an adult way. It is not necessary to write notes as reconciliation or to hint indirectly at renewal of relations. Especially inadmissibly to use the help of the third party. Just tell that you want to discuss an important issue with it. Choose suitable time and a situation. Anybody and nothing has to distract you.
5. Be ready to refusal. Most likely, your ex-boyfriend will not be ready to changes at once. Or perhaps its reaction will be too negative and categorical. Prepare for everything. Do not take offense at his emotions, and try to understand feelings which stand behind them. Moreover, if he through time after your conversation wants to talk again, then do not remember to it its last reaction.