How to force the wife to be jealous

How to force the wife to be jealous

To force to be jealous the woman much more simply, than it seems on itself business. The majority wife's by the nature are more jealous, than men. In modern society there was a steady opinion on what all men change the wives. Therefore even the slightest delay from work can cause a certain nervousness.

It is required to you

  • - mobile phone,
  • - computer with Internet connection,
  • - page on social network,
  • - precious jewelry,
  • - women's toilet water and lipstick,
  • - women's shorts.


1. Be late after work for one-two hours. Do not answer calls or answer chilly, pretending that you are very busy.

2. On the day off tell that you want to go to drink beer with friends. When you return, do not report. Leave phone at home. You do not say with whom exactly of friends you will spend time. Will be better let these are people whose number she does not know. Only try not to touch, otherwise your attempt to force to be jealous can end with scandal. And it is better to invite these friends home for continuation of a banquet that attacks of jealousy were not long and did not dement the woman.

3. Buy a set of gold jewelry, pack into a beautiful box and hide houses so that the gift easily could be found. When you notice that the wife found the hidden gift, take it and leave on affairs for one or two hours. Upon return buy flowers and present to darling. About a gift do not remember. It will be possible to present it in the evening, it will force the woman to worry enough.

4. Communicate at the wife on social networks more often. Let it will be nothing meaning companionship with beautiful girls. Every time when your second half enters the room, you leave from the page. Messages should not contain anything of that kind because of what the woman could take offense seriously. During a scene of jealousy let's the wife read correspondence.

5. Ask the girlfriend or the colleague to send you the message to mobile that she misses. Explain to Zhenya that she hints you at more close relations, but you love only it one.

6. The following councils will suit not all families. Such attempts to warm up feelings of the wife can end with the tragedy in the form of a divorce. Buy a perfume for women and lipstick. Sprinkle toilet water of a sleeve of a shirt shortly before arrival home and slightly soil lipstick a collar. It will be possible to answer questions of the wife that you were soiled when greeted the colleague. Beautiful lacy shorts which during washing your woman has to find in a trouser pocket will approach. Answer her questions that was wanted them to be presented to darling.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
