All know that men and women are absolutely differently suited. Mutual claims: ""He does not hear me" "and" "It for a minute does not become silent"", exist almost in each family. The female garrulity irritates most of men. How to force the woman to be silent? Despite complexity of a problem, there are real ways of it to reach.
1. Never use body-checks. Of course, the woman can thrust a gag into a mouth or to stick a mouth with an adhesive tape. You receive several minutes of complete silence, but then … We do not envy you.
2. Try to make the woman silent, having kissed her. Kiss her passionately and gently. Do not forget to whisper compliments on an ear of darling. Your woman just will not want to interrupt this process therefore she also will become silent.
3. Try to transfer a conversation to a subject which your woman does not understand, for example, about internal combustion engines. She will have nothing to tell, and she besides will become silent.
4. To make the woman silent, it is enough to agree with her. So agree with her. The woman should not prove anything to you, and she will have no occasion to continue the monologue.
5. There is one more way how to make the woman silent. Stun her. Present an unexpected gift, make a pleasant surprise. The surprise has to be such that in a throat at darling dried up that she could not physically nothing to tell. And in general, you should learn to listen to the woman. Or at least pretend that you listen carefully to her. Actually your opinion on any given question is not interesting to the woman at all. She needs your attention and there is nothing except attention. Listen to the woman up to the end, it is very pleasant, and she will make all the same in own way.