How to force to respect itself as the girl

How to force to respect itself as the girl

The modesty which was considered as estimable was once distinctive quality practically of any young person. Now everything changed. To be timid, held down in communication, silent - means to become "black sheep". And, apparently, modern, not knowing confusion, the woman has to work well everything. But sometimes, despite all the pluses, she cannot achieve that she was respected. And not simply, as person, as personality, namely, as girl.


1. Take a detached view of yourself. Estimate the appearance. If problemno to make it independently, ask the help for very loved one (mother, the sister, the girlfriend, etc.). It is possible that the reason for which you cannot summon respect as to the girl, is in you. For example, when the woman prefers revealing dresses (very short skirts, transparent tops and blouses, etc.), it seems to her that modern, fashionable, relaxed. And to her the fact that her dress differs in bad taste and even vulgarity cannot come to mind. The same concerns both a make-up, and a hairstyle. Brightness - not always positive sign. If you faced similar problems, then it is not so difficult to correct them. Replace clothes, a hairstyle, cosmetics. When there is no confidence in own taste, consult on the authorized representative. Your new style can quite help to change the attitude of people around.

2. The situation becomes complicated if the lack of respect arises not because of appearance, and because of behavior. It can be persuasive, rough, excessively frank or curious you. Similar qualities are unattractive. In this case, diligently it is necessary to work over itself. Learn to notice reaction of people to your words and acts, reckon with their opinion, seize talent of the listener. Also fill up a lexicon, in it books can become the ally. Over time you will notice that you are perceived differently as interesting interlocutor.

3. Show femininity. This quality is given to girls by the nature. Here only someone skillfully uses it, and someone also does not suspect about its existence. In modern society the young persons become careerists, the business lady, scientists, etc. Generally, do not concede in anything to men. And everything would be good if they did not lose ability lovely to smile, coquet, flirt and just to be beautiful. And these small cunnings make women such attractive. Having changed the image, having become attractive, interesting and womanly, you definitely will be a girl, estimable.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
