You already long time puzzle over a question how to draw to yourself attention of the guy who madly is pleasant to you. This really difficult task, but impracticable affairs in questions of love just does not exist. In this article you get several practical advice how to carry out this task in the shortest terms.
It is required to you
- Active actions
1. "Bam! Bam! Bam!" - your heart accelerates the habitual rhythm as soon as on the horizon the subject of your adoration appears. You look for every minute new chances to look at this handsome though with half an eye, and he seems even does not suspect about your torments. Every time when it passes by, you long inhale a loop haze from its cologne, secretly observe how he parks the car, having hidden round the corner buildings. Friends, consider that your feelings become similar to pathology, but you can do nothing with yourself.
2. It seems, time to pass to active actions came. First of all, stop thinking that you are unworthy it because he is an ideal man, real "Mr. Sovershenstvo". Most likely, you just idealize it. Millions clever, successful women which defended not one doctoral dissertation were on your place and had just the same feelings. For a start try to find out as much as possible useful information about a subject of the adoration: about its tastes in food, in clothes, in music, at cinema, in literature, about its hobby, about favourite sport where he likes to be to friends, etc. Such knowledge will help you to keep up the conversation at the first stage of acquaintance. Then before you there will be more difficult task – to force the guy to be fond and run seriously for you.
3. Most of girls, gathering for the first appointment, try to put on the best clothes and accessories, to make up the brightest cosmetics, to represent a "stunning" hairstyle on the head. But after you will do all these manipulations with the appearance, you will stop being by itself, will uncertainly feel, is clamped, being afraid to rumple a dress or to spoil hair dressing. Naturalness and minimalism in everything – here a key to success. It is not necessary to represent from itself the vamp, choose those clothes in which you will feel comfortable. Several strokes of a make-up, a droplet of favourite spirits and a smile – that's all your weapon.