How to gain trust of the girl

How to gain trust of the girl

The trust is a confidence in sincerity and the correct behavior of other person. This factor very strongly influences the relations of the man and woman. It cannot be got for a payment, to force the person it to test – it can only be deserved. For example, the young man very strongly likes the girl, but she does not take him seriously as doubts his sincerity. What should I do?


1. Be sincere with the girl, do not allow it to doubt your words. If nevertheless you somewhere told lies and the truth "reached" your darling, surely explain her the reason of such behavior and be honest here.

2. Try always apologize for the incorrect acts. Learn to do it correctly, without using a dry phrase "Well, excuse me. I more so will not be!"

3. At a quarrel you do not shout at it, do not show aggression, and especially do not raise a hand. You are mentally normal person and all are capable to solve on quiet tones. During a showdown listen to what she tells, then analyze and choose the further equipment of behavior.

4. Be responsible for the words, that is if you promised something – surely keep a promise. Remember that you have to be reliable! If you doubt that you will be able to execute, better not to undertake this business.

5. Do not put on yourself "mask". Be oneself, it is not necessary to turn into the actor, life – not a game. Consider that the mask will fall down sooner or later. And what then? Then the girl can become angry simply for this performance and will cease to trust you at all that she in turn will lead to break in relations.

6. Communicate with it more, be an open person, do not become isolated as it will suggest it an idea at once that you hide something. Tell it about the life, take an interest as there passes its course of life. You have to learn as much as possible about it including to tell about yourself.

7. If you for some reason lost trust, recognize the mistake. Explain to the girl why it occurred. Tell how you value her and you do not want to lose. The way to finding of trusting relationship sometimes is long and difficult if you indeed value darling – make everything that she did not doubt you.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
