Sometimes in a rush of feelings of the man suggest the darlings to get a star from the sky. These words can be not an empty promise. Of course, it is impossible to deliver the huge heated sphere to Earth, however the real star has many worthy alternatives.
Star name
In a night firmament thousands of stars are visible, and only the few from them have the names. Astronomers assign to the majority of the known heavenly bodies serial numbers that is very convenient, but it is not so romantic. There is even the international star catalog where all objects known to the person are registered.
You can make the darling pleasant and to call one of meanwhile anonymous stars in her honor. Such service is provided now by many companies. Make sure thatMake sure that the celestial body which attracted to you is free, then just fill out the questionnaire in which it is necessary to enter the desirable name. After you pay a certain sum, will send you the certificate that you became the happy owner of own star. Frame the document and hand to your beloved.
Star dust
Romantics like to peer at the nights at the dark sky, expecting when the star falls. It is known that actually from Earth meteorites which burn down in atmosphere layers are visible. At the same time in the black sky the bright flash is noticeable. Present to the beloved a splinter of the fallen star – buy a meteorite piece. Often they can be found at exhibitions of stones or even in the museum of astronautics. The splinter of the mysterious stone which arrived from space depths can be carried as a pendant or to insert into a bracelet. However, such gift not from cheap.
Star from a seabed
Stars in the sky are so far and inaccessible. Try to address what is closer and to hand to the lady a starfish. The keen lover of fauna and flora can present a live invertebrate. These strange animals are suitable for contents in house conditions, and some types are quite unpretentious. The starfish which crept on a wall of an aquarium and eating on it seaweed – a surprising show. If you have no time to look after the similar exotic pet, it is possible to hand as a gift and the dried starfish. They are often used as decoration of an interior, exposed on foregrounds or suspended. The lovely souvenir will refresh the room, having brought in it spirit of the sea. If the girl has good sense of humour and likes to watch animated films, present her a toy – a starfish of Patrick from the animated movie "Sponge Bob Square Trousers", having accompanied with an amusing story how you could not get a star from the sky and therefore fell by a seabed, avoided a heap of dangers, but nevertheless managed to catch this rare animal. Your beloved will be grateful that you try to keep any, even the most improbable promises.