Sometimes human feelings are not mutual. Gradually understanding that the sympathy has no prospects and the future comes. There is a wish to be forgotten, to get rid of inclination to the person.
1. Look at the person soberly. Take the handle, the sheet of paper, divide it into two parts. In one column write down merits of your beloved, in another - negative. If properly to think and rummage, it is possible to find in any the mass of negative.
2. Try to avoid casual meetings. They will not be able to bring positive impact and the necessary result. Protect yourself from communication with this person. Moving away from it, do not become reserved. Communicate with friends, have a good time, you go to clubs and to parties.
3. Find to yourself a hobby. It can be anything: circle of dances, class of singing, occupation fine arts. Borrow every minute the free time. Tell firm and unambiguous "no" to the melancholy and a depression. Give yourself full-time job or study so that even excess thoughts in the head were not.
4. Look round around - the world does not stand still. For certain you are surrounded by many interesting people. So why not to try to switch to someone else? No, nobody argues that cardiac wounds drag on long, leaving at the same time big hems for the rest of life. However if you are not answered with sympathy why to cross at the closed doors? Keep the nerves, put energy on the right track.
5. Try to change scenery. Take a vacation and go on rest. There you will be able to get married with the sun, to swim in the warm sea or to conquer mountain peaks and, of course, to consider the further behavior, to adjust yourself on a positive harmony.
6. You do not tsiklitsya on trifles. Erase all SMS messages. Every time, re-reading them, you to yourself bring only pain and remind of it. Down with all photos, amusing knickknacks and other things which connect you with this person. Begin life with a new leaf, and erase all memories of it from the memory as files from the hard drive.