Friends - it is good when because of communication with them household chores and darling are not forgotten. And if lonely companions gather too often, involving the married man in the sit-round gathering and occupations, it is necessary to get rid of them urgently.
1. Friends are people who understand, give support, help at a difficult moment. But is also such which too strongly take root into private life, take in it practically all place allocated to relatives and the family. Behind communication with these friends the family, children, the beloved wife are forgotten. And such behavior is quite capable to lead to a divorce.
2. Wives begin to sound the alarm when friends of the husband take all his free time. After work he goes with them to bar or the fitness center, on the weekend helps them with moving, repair of giving or just sits on a visit. It does not have time for household chores. He is busy with something with friends all the time. If this is soIf this is soIf this is so, came time to think why the husband tries to leave the house. Perhaps, the wife does not understand it, does not give it warmth which he receives from friends. To correct a situation, begin to talk to darling. Ask him as he spent day whether there are no troubles at work. Listen to him and support. Quite so friends arrive. When the husband understands that in search of sympathy it is not obligatory to leave a home, it will begin to meet friends much less often.
3. Think up interesting pastime for you with the husband. Perhaps, he meets friends because houses boringly. He just does not want to watch TV, lying on a sofa, and wants action. Rejoice that you have such vigorous man. Register together in sports club, take the photo or ballroom dances. The joint hobby will rally family and will not leave time for friends.
4. Make the man more responsible, do not protect him completely from house problems. Let him take away children from a garden, makes a dinner or makes purchases in shops. Always there is an opportunity to make the list of simple affairs which will take all free time of the man. If he copes with the duties - surely praise him. Let he will feel necessary, a family support.