Someone should not do anything to win arrangement of people around. They are charismatic and with ease join any collective. If you not from such lucky, naturally, that you experience difficulties, trying to become a part of the settled company. You should manage to be at the best to strangers and to achieve their arrangement.
1. Having got to the unfamiliar company, the temptation is high to prove to be the best person – cleverer, successful or sharp on language, than you are actually. They do not know you so far. However insincerity is noticeable. And you will soon be tired to support an image of the merry fellow and joker if you are a quiet and modest person. Your purpose is to try to make so that fell in love with you it what you are actually.
2. Try to remember names of all your interlocutors. Psychologists claim that a name for the person – one of the most pleasant words. So your friends will be very flattered when understand that you already taught them in a face and remember how who is called.
3. Try to dress always tastefully and to be beaten out not too on style from the company. On clothes only meet, but to you for a start and it is necessary that you were friendly met.
4. If you about something are asked, answering, try get to talking the interlocutor. But you should not throw out on the question "How Are You Doing?" on the person the problems. Tell about an amusing case which happened to you the other day, ask, kind of your acquaintance arrived on your place. If the question asked you seems inappropriate, laugh the matter off and send a conversation to other course, but do not declare to the opponent his tactlessness.
5. Try to find subjects for a conversation and a hobby which are close also to you, and to members of the company with which you hope to enter into the relations. Pop music, embroidery, retrocars, the British series, science news - if something interests also you, and your new acquaintances, it will become a fine basis for more close acquaintance. If you do not understand at all what is pleasant to these people, just ask them to tell about the hobby. Will already be grateful to you for the fact that you gave the chance to talk on a favourite subject and attentively listened.
6. Not only the woman in love can find a way to the man's heart through his stomach, this method acts on many. Even a paper bag of candies to tea or the big packing of chips brought to joint viewing the movie will be heartily welcomed by the hungry company.