Women's happiness consists, of course, in love, but it becomes more difficult to find it with age. If the man is necessary not to you, the situation is even more difficult because to give advice - the most ungrateful work. But if the help is necessary to the most loved and native one, it is worth using the best efforts, especially if this person - your mother.
To look for couple for the mother - a difficult thing, especially if there was a father earlier, but for some reason he left or he died, or never was at all. When choosing the partner it is worth remembering that you look for not only the man to mother, but also the person who, perhaps, should participate also in your life.
Not to injure feeling of your mother, it is necessary to remember that intervention has to be minimum because invasion happens to very intimate sphere. So, for a start it is worth looking round around: perhaps, there are men from the immediate environment, colleagues, old acquaintances, the former schoolmates of your mother who know her not one year.
Similar search is not only simple, but also most effective option because the old love does not rust, and with it it is simpler to make something, than to build all over again.
If the option with old acquaintances remained is unsuccessful, it is necessary to move in other direction. For a start visit clothing store, buy to mother pair of cocktail dresses and do not allow it to buy the next jeans or trousers. The woman at any age has to wear skirts and dresses. Remind mother of it, perhaps, you the council also will give mother that long-awaited gift for which she waits so long ago. Beautiful new shoes are simply necessary for a new dress, it is desirable on a heel, nothing so draws male attention as the woman in a dress and on heels.
Having added easy negligent laying and a natural make-up to this image, you will achieve it is necessary result.
So, you dressed up mother, made up, styled hair in a hairstyle, now it is time to move forward on search of the man. If you do not know where to you to go, especially for you already in a large number of the cities special clubs for acquaintances opened. You need to choose only suitable your mother and to finish speaking about a visit. Before a meeting instruct with mother, tell it what she is a beautiful, clever, self-sufficient woman, remind of that, her skin is how thin and the profile is graceful. Such simple words will be able to light that attractive spark in the opinion of any woman. This small stroke will add an image, and your mother will collect delighted looks of all men. If your mother refuses to go to a similar institution, choose the place in which you will be able to get acquainted with lonely men. It can be movie theater, summer cafe, theater, the museum or an exhibition. Go on the vacation together with mother as your support will be important for it. If you notice that acquaintance was started, find some pretext to leave adults alone.