When the child starts going to kindergarten, the whole world for it as if it is turned upside down. This hard time for the kid, and he needs the help and support. The actions we can or help to adapt without serious consequences to it to new conditions, or to aggravate a situation. What to do that he attended kindergarten with pleasure, but not in tears?
The child who went to kindergarten in the first days can feel so as if it is thrown in the middle of the huge market square in crowd of the people. Foreign people in kindergarten for it so far a little in what differ from passersby from the street. How to help the baby to adapt safely to kindergarten?
1. Assure the kid that you love him. The greatest fear of the child put by a self-preservation instinct – to be thrown. The more this fear, the is stronger than a hysterics. Unfortunately, not all people are generous on warm feelings. Many of us received less caress in the childhood. Others can be reserved and not really loveful. Then it is a high time to cross through these barriers and to begin to assure the baby of love. Embrace, kiss, you do not stint a praise. The more often you will practice it, the also you will be happier, and the kid.
2. Keep houses a positive emotional background. Skirmishes and curses between the family, cavils on any trifles to the child will only aggravate his accustoming to a garden. Let him do not hear your trials and quarrels. The glass of water spilled by the child or untidy toys – at all not an occasion to give a good scolding. Be patient, quiet and benevolent. Allow the child to get used to changes and not to spend energy for foreign.
3. Allow the child to take in a garden the favourite toy – a doll, the machine, a teddy bear. Thanks to this part from the house he will feel far more comfortably among others walls.
4. Think up some entertainment after a garden. Let it will be a visit of shop behind chocolate, walk on the favourite playground, a campaign on a visit to the grandmother, just joint game in something. Why it is necessary? Such assurance will become a guarantee for the kid that it will be surely taken away from group that about it will not be forgotten.
"Mother told that we will go for chocolate. Well, of course, it will take away me", – the baby so can think and reconciles to the stay in a garden.
5. Help the kid to like good attitude to the tutor and the nurse. Children become attached and get used out of place, and to the person. Teach him to address the tutor by name. It will bring together their contact.
For example, if the tutor is called Valentina Nikolaevna, to children it is admissible to name her Valya. If the child knows that behind others walls he is waited by kind and smiling Valya who wants to play with it, it with big enthusiasm will go to this garden.
Thanks to your correct actions the kid will far quicker get used to changes in life. Help it to attend kindergarten with pleasure and it is successful in it to develop.