How to impart love for reading

Till a certain moment the parents seldom give great attention to a question of love for reading at the child. From the beginning of school life this question grows before parents who are not ready to it. Someone writes off dislike for books and reading for the modern world in which there are a lot of electronic gadgets. Someone writes off everything for restlessness or excessive inquisitiveness of the child.

At school the child begins to use books actively. It and textbooks with numerous tasks and tasks. And fiction. And here sometimes it turns out that the child does not want to read, does not love, refuses. Before fighting against it, it is necessary to analyze from where this problem undertook. It is necessary to look at first at himself. The love of the child for reading is directly proportional to this love at parents. If parents regularly spend any amount of time with the book in a hand, then it cannot but interest the child.

The first: it is necessary to begin to read to parents. It is possible to re-read classics or to watch literature novelties. It is possible to read the books connected with work or the parent's hobby. The most important – the child sees the reading parents.

The second: it is necessary to monitor existence of books in the house. From where to undertake love for reading in the house in which there are no books interesting to the child. At first it have to be rhymes or fairy tales with a set of bright illustrations. And then books have to mature together with the child. There have to be also art books corresponding to age. Can be interested the child children's encyclopedias, for example. The third: parents have to read to the child. From the smallest age. It can be reading before going to bed fairy tales. But also it is not necessary to refuse in the afternoon to the child if he asks to read him the book. Well and everything read it is just necessary to discuss. It is so possible to trace also whether the child read the book, or to check attentiveness of reading. But it is impossible to do from this check, such examination at all. It is more correct to take an interest in opinion of the child. To ask what most of all was remembered, pleasant or on the contrary. What does he think of heroes of the narration, to their acts. Such approach will teach the child to listen and read, analyze, express own opinion more attentively. Also the ability to allocate the main thing from the volume text is important. It very much is useful to the child in future life. If similar conditions surround the child from first years of life, then in him the respect for literature and love for reading books will surely grow.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
