How to learn it is beautiful to smile?

How to learn it is beautiful to smile?

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Share the smile, and it still will return more than once to you, - it is so sung in the well-known children's song. And it is valid, once we smile to the unfamiliar passerby, we see a smile in reply. However, most often on a human face also bewilderment meets, but at heart and it becomes all the same warmer. However for many the kind and sincere smile is the real problem. As to learn to smile, especially if for this purpose there is no special occasion?

Learn to smile trifles, or a secret of the Hollywood smile

The main reasons for a smile are joy, pleasure and other positive emotions. However there is a mass of other occasions, worthy to make life happy and also to use magic properties of a smile in own favor. Smile it not only manifestation of our thoughts and health. It as well the remarkable psychological tool capable to help us with various situations. We represent only some options of what it is possible to achieve by means of a smile:

  1. To summon trust. The sincere and kind smile is capable to dispose to us any interlocutor.
  2. To achieve indulgence. Since childhood we understood that the constraining or embarrassed smile is capable to cause affection, instead of punishment for prank. Therefore and in adulthood if you got into a bad situation, from it to leave better with a lovely smile upon the face.
  3. To show sympathy. The mountain and in joy the people surrounding us need support and sympathy. And even if neither the person, nor his story or the complaint is unpleasant to you – smile, and you will be respected as the good and kind person.
  4. To reduce stress. Scientists proved that the wet smile or specially put on mask of cheerfulness are all the same capable to increase mood. Muscles give a signal to a brain and you without noticing that will find good mood.
  5. To increase prosperity. According to experience of many people holding negotiations with business partner or important people it is possible to claim safely – a smile, it is already half the won transaction. And for the people working in the sphere of tinning – a real way to improve prosperity. The waiter who smiles will obviously get more tip.

How to learn it is correct to smile?

Certainly, the smile has a mass of positive sides. But immediately there is a question how to learn correctly, beautifully to smile? For this purpose too there is a mass of methods, receptions and exercises.

For a start it is important to understand the origins of a smile. All of us know that the mobility of our person is carried out at the expense of muscles. To smile, it is necessary to involve about 40 of them. And most often the smile is impossible to those whose muscles are not trained. Therefore devote the first exercise to the mimicry:

  1. Gather more air, having densely squeezed lips, and try to exhale through a mouth. If all of you do correctly, then will feel tension of muscles of cheeks.
  2. Slightly open a mouth, put lips in a tubule and extend them forward. Be late in this situation and sharply exhale. After exercise relax muscles of lips.
  3. Densely close lips, extend them forward and try to outline them the eight. Then relax muscles. Repeat exercise 2-3 times.
  4. Put out tongue outside, clasp it with lips and for several seconds be late in such situation. Then as much as possible relax muscles of language and lips.
  5. Try to stretch lips in very wide feigned smile. It will also serve as fine exercise.

The following council will be suitable for those who do not know yet how to learn to smile sincerely. The positive spirit plays an important role in that how sincere and kind will be your smile. If you the gloomy person, urgently change the relation to life. As often as possible remember cheerful and comical situations which to you were brought to be seen. What forced you to smile? It can be a smile of your child, a kiss of darling or acquisition of a thing of which you dreamed long ago. If you did not experience such emotions – think up them. Nobody forbade to dream. Do you know for what to you it is necessary to learn to smile? And present what will bring you true happiness and joy. You will not even notice how the smile itself will light up your person.

Many know that people who in corners of eyes have small wrinkles very often smile in the life. But how to learn to smile eyes? The answer is simple - it does not need to study at all. It is rather simple to you to adjust itself on a positive harmony, to radiate joy from within and eyes by itself will begin to smile, imitating your internal state of mind.

The smile is a reflection of interior. Therefore a question in itself how to learn it is beautiful to smile, it is not absolutely right. The sincere smile is a manifestation of joy. Learn to rejoice to trifles, to appreciate any moments of life. Smile to the whole world – not affectedly and as only you are able to do it. And then the world will smile to you in reply.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
