The lie is pathological and saving. There are people who lie about everything and derive from it pleasure. But if you are attentive, captious and watch closely language of a body of your interlocutor and are interested in details of what you are told, you with ease can distinguish a lie.
1. Language of a body and look of the liar. One of indirect signs that to you lie - the running look. Eyes can instantly give the inexperienced liar. Each person feels if someone avoids his look and at the same time something tells, there is a high probability that he is deceived. Knowing it, "skilled" liars will look fool in the face the trained direct look. If you feel that stare at you, without blinking, at the same time the interlocutor carefully controls the hands which aim to cover a part of the face, a mouth, a nose, it can also mean that to you lie. If you do not know habits of the interlocutor, are not sure of his "fitness" in a lie, then any twitching, percussion by legs or hands, the head and other nervous movements can obviously point fidgeting, stirring to his lie. However it is possible that the interlocutor just is nervous, but here a question: why. Nervous habits or sudden changes of physical behavior can signal about dishonesty and dishonesty. Change of a timbre of a voice, delay or acceleration of the speech can also mean that the person hides something.
2. Details, details, specifications. Listen carefully. Often, when people lie, they lower details. Ask them, specify. Your questions - the best way of conducting mini-investigation. Pay special attention that they say how they detail the narration. Also try to define whether there is everything in a uniform picture. Discrepancies and disagreements in details mean that all or a part of the story - a lie. The best way to learn whether lie to you, it is faultless to remember its history. As a rule, the lie is quickly forgotten. It is enough to ask details of what you were told, several days later, or to ask to tell you a story once again. You will be unpleasantly surprised as far as history changed and how many the new "forgotten" details in it emerged.
3. Other signs of a lie. "Unless you do not trust me?" or "You me check?" - hitting question with a question, changing a subject and avoiding to give the direct answer, the person gives the falsity and reserve. The shucked liars, as a rule, refuse to answer immediately, use specification tactics: "What do you mean?" - they when your question is already clear are lost. It becomes to find time and to think a little what to tell further to satisfy your curiosity.