Not always men manage to behave. The modern psychology a problem how to learn to control the emotions, suggests to solve in different ways.
How to control emotions and feelings?
The ability to control the emotions can be developed if constantly to pay attention to the behavior and to try to correct it. For example, if in shop or transport of people it appears the involved in the conflict, first motivation usually there is an abrupt reply to the opponent. And it just is the main mistake. Try to abstract from a situation and to calm down. Consider about yourself, touch coins in a pocket, consider a landscape outside the window etc.
Attentively look at the opponent - here he is just not able to constrain the emotions and looks at the same time extremely miserable. Possibly, slopping of a negative on people around - his only joy. It is unlikely you want to be the same.
If someone enrages you, be just developed and leave. Recover to the gym or bowling club, splash out the emotions in a game and at a training. And if there is an opportunity, go to the forest and you vykrichitsya.
How to learn to control the emotions and feelings - exercises
If you nevertheless do not manage to cope with yourself, then the science psychology advises from a problem how to control the emotions, to get rid by means of simple trainings.
- Present the irritation in the form of any subject, mentally swing and throw it far away.
- To abstract from a situation and not to react too sharply, present that you are surrounded by the boundless steppe, and around there is no person.
- Present that your emotions are fire on which you pour out a water barrel, and it dies away.
- Draw the negative emotions and tear paper.