The subject of love for itself arose rather recently. Many psychologists and supporters of positive thinking insist that the former system on which all of us are brought up excluded the phenomenon of love for itself. Inspired in people since the childhood that on the first place the person has to have a work, study, family and still a set only. On love for himself anybody did not have neither time, nor forces.
1. Many confuse love for themselves with a concept of egoism. Of course, to pay attention to itself, a few ego is necessary, otherwise the person and will live for people around. To love itself – means to support the body in a healthy state, to keep clean own thoughts, to indulge itself small gifts, and at the same time to feel happy the person. Of course, the fact of love for itself at everyone is associated on the. The most important that the person was sure that he does not restrain himself in anything and lives in harmony with himself.
2. The person loving himself will never cause harm to own body and health. He will adhere to a healthy lifestyle and it is rational to eat. If you want to change own body, begin to do fitness. Do not you love intensive occupations and you do not represent yourself in gym? Begin to practice yoga or chi kung. Always dreamed to dance? At your service dancing clubs of any directions. So you not only will create a beautiful body, but also considerably strengthen an organism, you will remove power blocks, you will become the flexible person.
3. You watch for by the own words and thoughts. It is known that they form your reality. Also any negative emotion creates an imbalance in your body and leads to developing of diseases. Never criticize yourself and do not allow unreasonable criticism in the address. Such situations strongly influence nervous system and for a long time discompose you. The person loving himself tries to avoid such dangerous moments.
4. Always you give yourself and others joy. Have a rest as you want, buy things which very much you want, look after the body. Sometimes non-receipt something insignificant strongly makes life a misery. For example, you want some fruit ice cream, but for economy you buy usual ice cream. Believe, you will not feel due satisfaction from its consumption, and will dream further of fruit ice cream. If to carry out similar trifles, your life will be more joyful.
5. If you resolved to love yourself and to begin to cherish, but do not know what to begin with, glance in yourself and you will understand that at present the great pleasure will bring to you. It can be anything: purchase of a dress, a handbag, cake, preparation of a dinner for favourite family, etc. Always listen to own desires and as far as possible execute them.