How to make so that the guy suffered

How to make so that the guy suffered

Sometimes the feeling of egoism and inability to forgive forces to cause pain and offense to the person. It is not difficult to cause human sufferings, the main thing is to understand why to do it.


1. If you set the object to hurt the person, be careful, you do not bring the matter excessively. The most part of suicides is carried out by men, and often they go on it because of badly developed relations. Therefore in desire to revenge you keep within reasonable.

2. It is the best of all to cause small offenses. For example, sneer at its constitution, present it the book like "How to pump up muscles". Parody its manner of the speech. If desired small shortcomings it is possible to find much. Any bright qualities can be interpreted as shortcomings. Generous – means badly treats money, kind – means, weak, cheerful – means, it is not capable to look at life really. All this small shortcomings, but if to repeat about them is rather frequent, it is possible to force the guy to suffer.

3. If you want to offend seriously, then it is necessary to offend self-esteem. Its creative experiments need to be derided, achievements – to declare ordinary, and ability to build the relations – to subject to ruthless criticism. The most effective way to hurt – to criticize sexual opportunities of the guy. It is the most vulnerable sphere of many young men. If you decided to suspend relations with it, tell that other women just insincerely in praises because want from it to receive something. Of course, it is hard to prove it, but the thought will constantly turn in subconsciousness of the person and to poison to it proximity with other girls. The woman manages to feign pleasure rather easily. Here let will also think whether such he is a hero lover with what got used to imagine himself.

4. If you are not going to spoil the relations considerably, just behave it is unpredictable: you flatter, offend. If your praises are very pleasant, and offense – to touch superficially, he will suffer, but the relations will become brighter. Though such tactics suits not all girls but only to those who thinly feel mood of the man.

5. To force the person to suffer not so difficult. But before to make it, wonder — why it is necessary to you. If it is attempt to prove the importance or to show the superiority, it can result in opposite result. And if it is revenge for the suffering inflicted on them, then be ready to break in relations. People create them to be happy, but not for mutual tortures.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
