Often happens that before making the important decision, we are lost – and as a result we cannot choose on what way to move further. The reasons of this confusion can be different – beginning for nervousness and finishing with a lack of information. As to arrive in such situation?
1. For a start, try to calm down. Sit down more conveniently, relax, and make several slow and deep breaths – and slow exhalations, with a pause between them. It is possible to breathe "into the account" - measuredly do mental arithmetic to four. Into four accounts – a breath, on four the account - a breath delay, then (again on four) – an exhalation and again a pause. Literally a couple of minutes – and you will calm down, and the head will clear up.
2. Now remember some moment from own life when you were a winner, the victor ready to move heaven and earth. No matter, that it was – passing the most difficult examination on "perfectly", a victory at competitions, or a praise of the kindergarten teacher. Remember the feelings at that moment, experience them again.
3. Take the sheet of paper, divide it into two parts and in brief describe the choice which you need to make – one option at the left, another on the right. It will help you to be discharged of a situation and to take a detached view of it. Wrote? Now look at a leaf. Suddenly already now you will understand what option is pleasant to you more?
4. If the clarity did not come yet – write in each column all pluses and all minuses of the options considered by you (to a column, at numbers). It is also possible to describe that you gain as a result at an optimal variant successions of events and that – if affairs go not in the best way. Verify the turned-out lists, correlate risk and benefit – and make the conscious choice.
5. And if it is impossible to choose still – throw a coin. Keep in mind, it is not a way to make a choice, and a way to understand that you want actually. And, if the coin drops out "not that party" and you are upset – arrive as prompts you heart. It already made the decision.