Let's call things by their proper names: management of people without their consent and the well-intentioned purposes is called manipulation. Therefore when you are interested in confidential technologies which will be prompted how to operate people, you look for ways of manipulation in which you are not puzzled with either decency of the purposes, or feelings of victims of manipulations. And these feelings not from pleasant.
Let's begin with banal examples of manipulation which we begin to use, having hardly managed to be born.
Examples of manipulation
The ability to operate people is granted to us by human nature for achievement of the purposes when there is no wish to express a request or desire, or it seems inexpedient.
Each of us saw the children rolling on a floor in a hysterics who fall into this mad condition of everything for a couple of minutes while mother shamed before people does not buy to it a toy or sweet which to the child very much attracted. It is an ideal example of manipulation, and mother feels respectively – the used victim of the child.
Always, how imperceptibly to operate people are used, as make-shifts, feelings of the person – shame, fear, offense and similar.
The principle of action of manipulation On manipulation many spheres of influence, the industries – policy, media, advertizing are under construction. – make the principle of manipulation so that the person did not have choice. We press on one of feelings of the person, at the same time, without ordering and without saying a request, and leaving the visible choice. If the person chooses manipulation disobedience – he feels growth of that sense of shame, fear. If the person follows the tastes of the manipulator – he feels used. Manipulations at distance
For manipulation words or visual contact are not necessarily necessary. All people are connected by power channels. East wise men say: Think of the person, and he at this moment will remember you. Actually, to understand how to operate the person at distance it is no more difficult, than it is simple to think. There are several rules:
- to operate the easiest at night when the person sleeps, and the brain him is relaxed;
- lay down or sit down conveniently, relax the body and get off a foreign mind;
- it is necessary to have a clear view of victim as much as possible;
- formulate and say mentally that you want from this person;
- imagine in all paints as it does it, step by step, in gestures and a mimicry;
- daily practicing 15 min., in several weeks you will manage to operate people mentally.