It is much heavier to overcome a divorce, than just parting with that with whom you were connected only by love. The divorce is a loss of the loved one, loss of trust, the crash of joint plans. Often treason and treachery is the reason of break in relations. Therefore the divorce is an also huge test for self-confidence. After it there is a set of questions: "How further one message life to raise children?", "How to overcome sincere crisis and again to begin to believe in people and to build the new relations?". All these and other questions can be resolved if to follow advice of psychologists.
1. The first that needs to be made after the divorce is to change scenery. It is necessary to go for some time there where in your environment there will be those people who do not know about a divorce. So nobody will remind you of recently endured stress.
2. Try to find for yourself some new and fascinating occupation. If there is no desire, then it is necessary to force itself. Just define the accurate action plan. For example, begin to do something useful to others. So you will feel a rhythm of life and will distract from own depression.
3. Pay attention to the appearance, change image, make a fashionable hairstyle. After visit of beauty shop practically at all women the self-assessment raises. And the good self-assessment is just what now is especially necessary for you.
4. Buy the subscription in sports club, and better if you give preference to oriental dances or a stripplastika. Similar occupations will give you more self-confidence.
5. Update the clothes. It will lighten you the mood.
6. You go to cafe or cinema. Fill the free time, have a rest actively. Do not allow a prosizhivaniye about the TV with a glass of sunflower seeds.
7. You descend in a photographic studio and present yourself a professional photoshoot. And paste over with the turned-out photos walls of your room.