The ability to preserve the peace and love in family consists not only of a daily compromise. Desire to make each other pleasant, such natural at first matrimonial life, has property to disappear imperceptibly, after a while. Supporting in itself this desire and also having learned to derive pleasure from manifestation of care of the spouse, it is possible to become much happier in marriage, these simple things are one of necessary conditions of happy matrimony.
1. Do not forget about those systematic remarks in your address which your wife is in the habit to release. Perhaps, it is time to take them into consideration, especially if it concerns simple household things, type, dirty linen or dirty ware. If you begin to watch these trifles with a thought that it will be pleasant to your wife, then will get the habits seeming to it so important rather.
2. Help the wife about the house more often. It is not obligatory to charge itself with lots of household chores at all, just sometimes remember that to your wife from them not to get to anywhere and very often she does everything alone. Whether so just it is better to help her with it? Affairs will become quicker, and you will only rise in estimation of own wife.
3. Remember that your children are your general children. If in the house the small child, then the woman needs to escape out of limits of house circulation from time to time. Help the darling to make it, she will not just have a rest, but also will gain strength in order that again with pleasure to be accepted to own duties.
4. You tell pleasant words to the blessed. It is very important to it to hear your opinion and on its appearance, and on its acts, her abilities, etc. Look for and find that remarkable, than your wife is allocated. The criticism from the husband often offends, and several kind words can inspire. If you fell in love with the wife, she means, undoubtedly, it is worthy admiration.
5. Show an initiative. It can concern as any acquisitions to the house (items of household and an interior, products, etc.), and big and small surprises to the wife, beginning with the unexpected invitation at cinema or restaurant and finishing with an unforeseen gift even if very modest. Your wife is worthy a holiday!
6. Have a rest together, go to a family travel or give romantic party. The main thing, be together more often.