How to report to parents about illegitimate pregnancy

How to report to parents about illegitimate pregnancy

Unplanned pregnancy can unsettle. At this time support of relatives, and especially parents is necessary. But to tell such news to mother and the father happens very not simply, especially if you have no opportunity to financially provide themselves and the child.


1. If you have serious relations and you with the partner are ready to a wedding, be not afraid to speak with parents. At a conversation place emphasis that you realize responsibility for the child and are ready to start a full-fledged family. It will be necessary to resolve some issues, but together with the darling you will be able to cope with any difficulties. Quite another matter, if there is no groom or he ran away, having learned about pregnancy.

2. For a start it is necessary to understand the thoughts. What do you think of the pregnancy? Are ready to become mother? Do you haveDo you haveDo you have an opportunity to give rise and bring up the child without the aid of parents? Think over the future after the child's birth. How will you settle questions with study, work, housing? Answer yourself all these questions that at a conversation with parents you had arguments.

3. Having prepared morally for a conversation, choose suitable time. Report news without foreign guests. The joint breakfast on the weekend when parents do not hurry will be ideal and are not loaded by working problems. They will be able to listen to you, to discuss all issues, it will be easier for them to reconcile to sudden news.

4. Do not perceive reaction and councils of parents in bayonets. Remember that first of all they worry about you and your further life. It is not simple to bring up the child to single mother, especially, if you are still young and did not finish study. Keep calm, urge parents to reduce tone and to discuss everything without shout.

5. If emotions at a conversation read off scale, it is better to postpone a conversation. Give to parents time to get used to this thought, there can be they will be able to look at a situation from a different angle. Report that you cannot continue discussion in such tone, and then you leave. It is possible to refer to feeling sick if they continue to press on you.

6. Report that you are going to provide and bring up the child independently. Parents, as a rule, are afraid that they should sit constantly with the grandson, to feed, dress and provide both of you. It is necessary to understand that first of all you are responsible for the kid, but not your parents. Let them know that you are not going to shift to them duties and responsibility.

7. Anyway do not panic and do not worry in vain. Even if now parents are indignant and swear when they see the newborn grandson, will forget about all threats and attacks at once. Appearance of the kid changes everything for light, and no temporary difficulties will be compared to pleasure of motherhood.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
