How to respect the interests of each other

How to respect the interests of each other

Guarantee of strong marriage and reliable friendship is mutual understanding. Only having learned to respect the interests of close people, the person will feel really happy.

Mutual understanding – guarantee of strong marriage. That family life was happy, it has to be present literally at everything – both in the personal relations, and in household. It is very important that spouses respected the interests of each other and made a compromise, when necessary. In love there are no winners and losers, all are equal before this pure feeling, and therefore the egoism in the relations is simply inappropriate.

Living under the same roof, people often face that their opinions in many respects differ. For example, the man does not love noisy parties, and the woman does not represent the life without them and systematically invites to herself cheerful girlfriends. In this situation she neglects the interests of the spouse, trying to impose on him own opinion.

To avoid the conflicts, it is rather simple to it to meet them outdoors, for example, in cafe, restaurant, cinema, etc. the Person will be able to feel happy in marriage only when not only reckon with its interests, but also to respect them.

To learn to respect the interests of the loved one, it is desirable to spend much time with him together, to study his emotions, the relation to the world and behavior model.

Friends are people who together both in a trouble, and in joy. To find adherents very difficult, time, certain life situations and, of course, will of destiny for this purpose is required. And here it is possible to lose arrangement of the congenial person in a flash. Putting the "I" am higher than opinion of people around, the person risks to remain all alone. Friendship does not tolerate arrogance. There are situations when close people lose touch because of trifles, banal misunderstanding, disrespect for the interests of each other. If the friend is really dear, it is necessary to learn to reckon with his opinion, to listen to its councils, and sometimes even to sacrifice something for the sake of the relations.

Excessive pride - the main barrier on the way to understanding of close people. It should not have the highest priority in the relations, otherwise the person risks to remain all alone.

The person will not learn to respect the interests of people around until reckon with his own opinion. In society there are certain rules to which anyway it is necessary to adapt not to turn into the derelict. There are people often closed in themselves in their environment it is more than enemies, than friends. Not to join their ranks, it is enough to understand one simple truth – it is not necessary to put the pride above all, it will create a certain negative cover which will push away people. Opinions of relatives on the importance have to be equated to own, only in this case the relations will be strong and reliable.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
