Usually after parting the woman can estimate more objectively the former relations, good and bad that in them was. And if through some time you understood that break in relations was a mistake, can try to return back the beloved. It is quite real if to remember several important points, being engaged in restoration of the relations with the former friend.
1. For a start, think of the reasons of your gap. If you consider guilty of a gap only it, you should not even try to restore the relations, - all the same nothing will turn out. Two are always guilty of parting. In order that not only to restore the relations, but also further to exclude a possibility of a gap, you have to understand what mistakes in these relations were made by each of you.
2. Having understood and having realized the mistakes, think that you have to make further not to repeat the mistakes. Perhaps, you will come to a conclusion that it will be necessary to behave in a different way, in something to be more compliant, more flexible. Estimate whether you will be able to change so.
3. If you answered the previous question "yes", then can call the to former to darling and make a date. Gathering for it, remember what you were during that time when he fell in love with you, and put on respectively. Dress up in that dress which was on you on the first appointment, do the same hair.
4. Now what on an appointment should not be done at all – it is not necessary to sob, press on pity and to beg it to return. Do not play on feeling of pity. On the contrary, be beautiful, optimistic, happy life. Let him see how you attract men's views, sitting at a table in cafe or restaurant.
5. Tell it as it is expensive to you and that you want to restore your relations. Tell to what conclusions you came, thinking of the reasons of your gap. Let it learn that for the sake of it you are ready to renounce some habits. If your relations were for it though are a little important, he will be glad to restore the relations with you.