When the lover leaves, there is an unpleasant feeling. Instead of being upset and blame itself for the unattractiveness, it is worth thinking of how to return attention of the man who threw you.
1. Do not panic. Of course, when there is something unpleasant, first of all there is a wish to hide in a corner and not to leave it anywhere. If between you there were strong relations, then it will be much more difficult to endure loss. But to try to return the person, being in such state, just senselessly.
2. Make toilet. Some women at once after a gap try to return the relations. It is not always correct. Tear-stained eyes and frequent hysterics not only will not attract your former lover, but, on the contrary, will push away him. At first become that the former woman who captivated him, and only then start actions.
3. You do not call at once after a gap and do not insist on a meeting if that is not wanted by your former lover. Forget about threats. It will not bring closer you to achievement of a goal. Try to meet being accidentally. For certain you know where it works and when is released where spends free time, etc.
4. Do not hope for instant return of the relations. If the man left you, so he had on that some reasons. Your task is in understanding that forced your lover to leave you. Perhaps, you relaxed and ceased to suit him in the sexual plan, he improved the relations with the wife or found other mistress.
5. Try to remove the cause which roused your lover to leave you. If you partly are guilty of it, then begin to watch yourself, get several sets of a sexy underwear, you descend on massage courses, etc. If other woman became the reason, then try to find out, the new attachment is how serious. It is in certain cases better to recede and live really further.
6. Lay out directly to the lover everything that you feel. Tell him as you lack it that you are ready to correct all the errors. If your relations were based only on sex, then show to the man that you can be the wonderful mistress. And then, perhaps, it will change the decision.