How to return the former man

How to return the former man

"What we have, we do not store, having lost we cry". - Most often in practice it appears quite so. Entering the personal relations with the man, women try to prove to be from the best party. There passes time, and here you already shout at it, "saw", humiliate. And you watch yourself any more not as earlier. However if, without having sustained such metamorphosis, the man leaves to another, you begin to be whipping the cat and to think how to return him back.


1. Analyze the reasons of a gap Be honest with themselves, answering a question: what in you could be the reason that the man preferred you other woman? The appearance of the woman is very important for the man. Certainly, it is more pleasant to it to embrace a slender and well-groomed doll, than not brushed housewife in a baggy dressing gown. It is impossible to condemn for it darling even if you gave birth to him to children and gave him the best years of the life. Here not the question of your natural beauty is brought up. More important as far as you love and you appreciate yourself and the man regularly to look after themselves, to look accurate and attractive. Therefore for a start be just looked in a mirror. Even more important than appearance friendly and trusting relationship between the man and woman. Leave mistresses, and from friends is not present. Perhaps, between you and the partner the sincere contact, such when it was possible to sit, drink together a tea was gone and to talk that at heart at one and at another? Perhaps, at you the career, girlfriends, business trips came out on top? What else needs of the man were not satisfied in your union? Perhaps, you did not give the rest to it of love, respect, caress? Let the fact that the reason of leaving of the man needs to be looked for in you, after all, this only thing that you can change will not seem to you unfair.

2. Remove these causes as far as you vozmozhnonachnit it properly to eat to get rid of excess weight, do some sport which to you to liking to look more tightened and young. Think of replacing a hairstyle and work over the make-up. Your purpose – from now on and always to look well-groomed and attractive.

3. Do not pursue a muzhchinumuzhchina at all do not love too available women even if there were already any relations. You keep it is proud and is independent.

4. Remember that your man appreciated in you most of all, and dispel it kachestvoeto there can be some purely external sign, for example, your magnificent hair (which time again now came to grow!) or your some sincere quality, for example, kindness (for certain, you will find who can be helped so that he learned about it).

5. Expand a circle of the obshcheniyavozmozhno, you will get new acquaintances or a new hobby – anything if only it gave you joy and filled with pleasure your life. If your being suddenly meets you on the street (and how to organize such meeting – we will tell later), and your eyes will shine, it will make a much bigger impression on it than if he sees you sad, with an extinct look.

6. Through mutual friends try to learn how there put it from the new beloved where it works now, than is engaged. Forewarned is forearmed. Possessing information, you will act not in blind. It is important that he from anybody did not learn that you were interested in it.

7. Kind of accidentally arrange meetings with it at such moments when he is able to see you cheerfully laughing, joyful, in the company of the interesting man, in a situation of your triumph, at recognition of your merits by the administration, etc.

8. Well, and after all, when he will ask back, do not hurry to throw the arms round him a neck, take an intrigue at least some time!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
