How to return the guy if he meets another

How to return the guy if he meets another

Before returning the ex-boyfriend who to spite of you or on own interest began to meet another, think whether really you need it. Remember for what reason you left. Means, something did not suit you in your relations with this person. If, having weighed all pros and cons, you still wish to return purposefully the ex-boyfriend "into place", take the following councils into consideration as it could be made.


1. Considerably improve the appearance. If you have the excess weight which spoils you and which was not loved by your ex-boyfriend – urgently eliminate it in a fitness studio. If you never applied earlier a make-up, learn to put accurately cosmetics on a face, refreshing it and improving the appearance. Change by means of the stylist in beauty shop, change image, update clothes. You have to be "in full gloss" even for a casual meeting with former.

2. Now look for meetings with the ex-boyfriend. And do it unostentatiously. Enter his life so as far as it is possible. Ask your mutual friends to organize a house party or a country picnic where you will be invited together. You know the interests of your guy. Be so connected to them, register in the same sports sections or clubs to which he goes.

3. Meeting the ex-boyfriend every time as if it is accidental, you do not look at it the crying and asking look. Be cheerful, show that in anything and anybody you do not need. What at you at heart is easy, light and it is good. And you just are once again glad to see it.

4. Do not apply to rapprochement with the ex-boyfriend of sharp steps. Do not try to tighten it in a bed. For the next day it can easily slip out it again, having just apologized to you for minute weakness. You need absolutely other result. And it is not reached in one week. Perhaps, it is necessary to wait long before the guy turns back in your party again. Therefore have patience.

5. Very seldom, but remind him of yourself phone calls, sms. The conversation at the same time has to have easy character: "How are you doing? There was a wish to hear. Dreamed you, it was pleasant from this dream" and so on.

6. If you notice that process of inducement of the ex-boyfriend is dragged out, it does not push away you, but also does not bring closer to itself(himself) – strengthen the actions. For example, at one of joint friendly parties try to retire with it and at a friendly conversation unexpectedly kiss. And then act on circumstances.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
