How to return the husband if he left to another

How to return the husband if he left to another

Unfortunately whether, fortunately, but there passed those times when the concluded marriage alliance lasted all life. Now the number of divorces grows at frightening rates. Men, without hesitating, throw wives with whom they lived all life, and leave, leaving in souls of women which swore to love and protect, the black hole which is sucking in in the depression in certain cases turning into hopelessness. If you appeared in such situation, for a start think as far as it is necessary to you whether you will be able to forgive him and to live further? The reply has to be not abrupt hasty, and weighed and quiet. If your answer - yes, that follow simple, but at the same time to the rules checked by experience of many women.


1. Any fortunetellers, clairvoyants, psychics and other. Otherwise to the sufferings from treachery you will add on offense that deceived and robbed. To your soul now excess disorders to anything.

2. Remember, time now - the best friend. Not in that foreshortening that it treats. And that your spouse will spend all reserve of hormones for the mistress soon and will see her from a different angle, a sober view after a while. Time needs about 8 months. For now these months pass, we begin the main work.

3. Support communication with the husband.

4. During the talk do not make scandals and hysterics how he wanted to break a vase against the head. Tranquility and steadiness suit you more now.

5. Try with its help or to analyze independently that in your marriage was not so. Where you made mistakes what he always complained of and was dissatisfied. Whether it is worth saying that all revealed mistakes should not be repeated?

6. After arrangement of thoughts we are accepted to a body. You go to salon, or take a grandmother's advice. It is not necessary to change cardinally appearance. You have to just look the well-groomed and attractive woman.

7. If you find an occasion, arrange a dinner to which invite joint friends, those which to it are interesting and important. And, naturally, spouse. Any mistakes, everything has to pass ideally. The dishes checked and loved, the talk interesting by all. And good mood.

8. Our purpose is to create an ideal world in which there is a wish to be. For this purpose it is necessary to provide comfort during his arrival: purity and an order, a warm meeting - without puppyish delight, and with self-respect, you – careful, attentive, able to listen and lighten the mood, sometimes a dinner with friends with a mass of positive impressions.

9. And now disappear for few weeks. Go to have a rest somewhere – to the remote village, at the sea or in Europe tour. To solve to you, the main thing that the husband lost from a look. Having lost you for a while, he realizes the important place in the life and in heart which is allocated for you.

10. Upon termination of hobby he should make the choice, where to remain. On your party experience and knowledge of its habits. If everything is truly made, and the necessary level of comfort and nostalgia will reach, he will not want to lose this world weaved by your efforts.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
