When the man leaves to another, it is blow to female vanity. But it is twice offensive if he comes back to being, leaving feeling as if you could not become better than it. However and in such situation it is possible to be rehabilitated. At the correct tactics of behavior you have good chances to return the man.
1. Analyze why the husband left to former. The reasons can be both in the former relations of the man, and in present – with you. It is possible to carry to the first group such as love which he still feels to former; sense of guilt in relation to it; desire to live together with the children if they are. The lack of love, dissatisfaction, discrepancy of your behavior with its expectations belong to the second group lack of mutual understanding in your family.
2. If you find it difficult to define the reason independently, try to find an opportunity to meet the man and to have a heart-to-heart talk. Ask that he explained the act. However at the same time be not humiliated at all and do not beg him to return back.
3. Try not to interrupt communication with the man, at the same time you keep with advantage. Let it know that you respect its right to make decisions of rather own private life. Emphasize, as you the self-sufficient person who has a pride, but are not present "a stone in the bosom". Suggest it to remain friends.
4. If communication with the man was interrupted, and you have no opportunity to show such line of conduct, just take a small timeout. Do not look for meetings with it, but also do not evade from them when the man has such desire. And desire by all means will appear, he will be intrigued: why you do not run behind it and do not try to return it.
5. Use time which you have, for work on yourself. Try to correct everything what your husband spoke not really flatterly of. And just be engaged in the appearance, trying to become much more effective. Surround yourself with new admirers and friends. Try to find and cultivate sources of joy and positive emotions.
6. If you know that the husband dreamed of something long ago, try to fulfill this dream alone. For example, he wanted to buy the Peugeot car, but there was not enough money. Make everything to buy such car. If he thought of creation of own business, you can master this field of activity. Make your life attractive to it.
7. Never reproach and do not reproach the man – left and left. When calls or comes across towards, show good mood and affability. You say that everything at you is good. If he tries to find out trifles, admit that yes, it is necessary to repair a door at a case and to change a bulb on a staircase, but all this is not critical. If offers the help, do not refuse, and accept and thank.
8. If you noticed that the man tries to appear at your place to help, or in other occasion, be attentive not to frighten off him the behavior. Radiate beauty and sexuality, but so that it did not look as attempt to seduce it. Let know that you such every day, and it appeared accidentally here.
9. If you feel what to you attracts it, afford little flirtation. However it is important not to take in anything the first step.
10. At last, the moment when the man wants proximity with you will come or will hint that it wants to return. You in turn remind him that he lives with other woman therefore now any relations between you are impossible. Tell that you are going to arrange the private life, and to be one of two – means not to be entered in this plan. The men's logic will force it to agree with it. Now you will need only to wait when it to decide to tear with former.