If in your family life there was a treason, there was it through your fault, but you want to keep marriage, act. Prove to your spouse that the event – a ridiculous mistake, accident which never will repeat any more.
After treason: what should I do?
To be in a role of the apostate, of course, not easy. The family is through your fault broken, you feel a remorse, have huge sense of guilt before the husband – consequences of your minute weakness are that.
Analyze what forced you to take this step? Lack of attention from the husband or your levity? Anyway, you afforded what it is accepted to call treachery. How should you behave further? Suggest the husband to talk, discuss quietly the incident, but be ready that he, perhaps, will agree to it not at once. Do not insist, give the spouse a little time to calm down and recover.
During the serious conversation with the husband do not try to justify and blame someone for your treason. That you were forgiven, you have to recognize and understand own fault. Be honest before themselves and the spouse – if you do not feel love for the husband, think, whether you should seeking to keep marriage? If all incident was a mistake, and you love the husband, from now on you have to become a sample of the ideal spouse. How does the ideal wife behave? Promised is not late outdoors longer, does not wear provocative dresses, modestly keeps with foreign men, is engaged in a household and education of children, etc. If you are not really attracted by similar prospects or your husband is not an admirer of domestic tyranny traditions, try not to give at least to him serious reasons for jealousy and suspicions. Remember that now the trust of your spouse in relation to you seriously hesitated for a time.
How to get rid of sense of guilt
What was, was, stop to feel guilty all the time. Did you quietly talk to the husband, recognized the mistakes, regretted and promised not to do more than it? Great! Now it is proud straighten shoulders and continue to live with self-respect. Your husband does not need the woman who is not loving herself, having constant sense of guilt and despondency. Learn to forgive yourself the mistakes, you study as them, you remember that in the world there are no imperfect people who lived life without uniform blot. You watch your appearance, do not allow leaving in a depression – you have to become even more beautiful and more perfect, than earlier. Register in fitness club or the gym, visit beauty shop, a sauna and the pool. If you want to return the husband, you have to look on all hundred. You aspire to that from now on reigned in your relations with the husband only mutual respect, love and harmony. Do not allow even a small lie, openly discuss all imminent problems, you speak about the feelings to the spouse more often, and he will forget about your silly mistake soon.