Planning of expenses – an important part of creation of the family budget. The zealous hostess has no unaccounted expenditure or "the gone unlimited sum of money somewhere". Unfortunately, many parents do not seek to teach the child to spend money, and then, being an adult, he is forced to learn to plan the budget. Without such planning the family is doomed to "financial holes".
- - handle;
- - paper.
1. Paragraph first. AnalizPotratte month on the analysis of your expenses. Collect checks, write down all the expenditure itemized. After a month you learn curious things about the budget. And also you will understand what it is possible to save really on.
2. Paragraph second. PlanirovanieSostavte the family budget. Let it will be the table with three columns. In the first write down the planned income (the salary, income under various other articles), in the second within a month write down income actual. In the third column besides within a month let your expenses itemized will be written down (utility payments, medicine, products, clothes and other). At the end of the month compare the actual income and expenses. Your task, making the budget for the next month, to bring these two articles into accord. At an imbalance of income and expenses (it is frequent in favor of the last), decide at the expense of what it is possible to reduce expenses. If it is impossible to reduce, then find a way to increase income. Act strictly: suggest to sit through the announcement with foreign kid, tell fortune, wash the floors at an entrance, you beg. If there is no wish to do all this, cut down expenditure. How?
3. Paragraph third. EkonomiyaIzbegayte to spend money on pay day. Usually these days the person is subject to feverish devastation of store shelves. Allow money "to spend the night" in your purse. Already next day your expenses will be more reasonable. Do not take part in advertizing campaigns; do not buy what is offered at a discount if this thing is not in your list of purchases; you do not go to grocery store next the heart. Regularly before the next purchase ask yourself the question "And whether Really I So Need It?". Never go to shop without list. Make the list in advance – for couple of days. In the day appointed for purchases recheck everything that was planned. Perhaps, something should be added, and in something need will disappear by itself. Do you watch that money did not "run up" – you carry at yourself only the minimum sum, save on the electric power (what you should walk on the apartment and to switch off excess household appliances?). Think at the expense of what you can reduce costs on each of articles. For example, if your machine erases at a temperature of 40 degrees instead of usual 60, then during a washing cycle it will consume electricity 30-40% less. And it without washing deterioration. Look back - you will notice many opportunities to spend less, without restraining yourself and the family in anything.
4. Paragraph fourth. RezervPri planning of the budget surely enter such item of expenditure as "Reserve fund". Not less than 10% all earned by you and members of your family of money have to go to this fund. It a financial safety cushion of your family is also not intended for service of your operating costs.