How to stop the relations with the married man

How to stop the relations with the married man

If you decide on the relations with the married man, then have to understand that this communication will bring many sufferings not only him to family - the wife and children, but also to you. Therefore it is just necessary to try to stop the relations with not free man, to dare to be happy with that person who will not need to be shared with the lawful wife.


1. For a start it is necessary to look soberly at current situation and to understand what you forces to be near this person. If it is the need for thrills as a result of secret meetings, then it is worth doing some extreme sport. You will be able to receive a portion of adrenaline necessary for you, for example, jumping with a parachute or coping on the kayak on the mountain river.

2. If you understand that you are held near married man by a usual habit as rather long time you meet it, then it is worth understanding that a habit - not the most necessary phenomenon for the independent person. To move ahead on life further (to start a family, to give birth to children), you have to be free and be in search of the second half. Therefore it is just necessary to change sharply current situation and to break off these unpromising relations.

3. Try, having reported to the married man about your gap, not to think any time of it. For this purpose you need to seek to be more often in society: to meet girlfriends, to go to a disco, to be fond of something interesting, for example, to begin training in riding or to register in fitness club.

4. After all, load yourself at work to the maximum: execute all postponed affairs, ask about overtime for the head. It is possible to start houses repair and all evenings to spend for search of beautiful knickknacks for your apartment.

5. In order that it is easier to worry the very first difficult days after the made decision on parting, it is possible to take the permit and to go to some exotic country. The mass of impressions which you receive from a trip will allow you to get with smaller losses out of this situation.

6. Besides, during the travel at you the romantic relations with more worthy applicant can be entered. And easy, without obligations, holiday romance for this period will not be superfluous.

7. If learn to appreciate yourself, the freedom, then make plans for the future, and you will have enough forces to leave with married man.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
