It is very frequent that wonderful at the beginning of the relation gradually worsen, it seems to the woman that the man changed that he does not hear her, is not interested in it. And actually she makes mistakes in a conversation and, without understanding that, incites the man against herself.
Women often are mistaken at a conversation with the man. These are our words make men weak, lazy and lacking initiative. And our words can make the successful leader and the indicative father of family of the sad loser. As to talk to the man for creation of good relations, for its stimulation in work and disposals of addictions?
First of all it is worth remembering that categorically cannot be done:
- Any ""hares"", ""pusechek"", ""darlings"" neither publicly, nor alone. The man wants to feel strong, self-assured, courageous, especially on public. No ""sweeties"" have such qualities. It is worth calling the man a lion, an eagle and the other brutal words bearing energy of force. In public the words ""darling"" and ""darling"" quite will be suitable for tenderness expression.
- Like ""You promised reproach!"" - and disappointedly the put sponges should be used not more often than two times a year, and that in case of emergency. It is not necessary to emphasize his irresponsibility and forgetfulness. Everyone has misses. It is possible to remind absolutely in other words: ""You remember, I asked to buy bread? Descend please, now."" And if business very important, emphasize (or draw) his merits: ""Darling, you at me men of his word, at you something happened what you could not make it?""
- To tell the man that his hobbies silly and foolish - not the best way to construct the strong relations. He will not cease to watch football or to bring together butterflies, but will know that you do not understand it and do not support. Also it will be weighed upon you because of sense of guilt which will poison its favourite business now. Allow its hobby to take the place in his life. Let it is less, than it was to you, but it is necessary for it.
- You should not tell about the previous sexual experience. Even if the man wants to learn. Actually, each man wants to know that he is the best. Tell him it. No comparisons, descriptions of advantages of other men should be.
- It is unreasonable to wait from the man of full compliance to your ideals. First, he can about them and not guess, he just such as is. And secondly, you do not know what to him was cost by purchase of this bouquet or gift that detained him for 5 minutes or why it came to your parents in dirty jeans, there can be it the person from under car wheels Saviour. Instead of reproaches after some time take an interest that delayed it or, having praised its gift, hint that else you would like to receive next time.
- Do not criticize its past. His mother, his ex-girlfriend, its former car - not those subjects which should be discussed in negative tone. You should not speak to it what loser he was to you and that you made of it the person.
- It is necessary to trust the man. You have to show in every possible way that you believe in its success, in its undertakings and an opportunity to achieve everything. Do not kill it even if you see what it does incorrectly. Even if there will be no result, you keep good relations, and it will surely estimate your behavior. It will be able to draw conclusions and itself, or with yours - imperceptible! - help.
- Discontent it with a body. For the man it is important to know that his body is pleasant to the partner. If to you his huge stomach prevents to live - go to gym, you turn in front of the mirror and you speak about healthy nutrition. Encourage it even for small progress, and in punishment for misses just deprive of a praise. Lack of a habitual praise stronger incentive, than punishment. Then the man confident in your love will want to receive more than your praise, and the way to it is specified on the subscription.