The family, love and the relations with an opposite sex play a huge role in the girl's life. Women, unlike men, need care and attention more. For this reason if for any reason of the relation with guys begin to change far not for the better, the girl, without wishing that, begins to think of in what the reason of such change whether the beloved grew cold to it.
1. For a start it is necessary to remember that men vanish from your life from time to time. Such is their nature. The reason of this phenomenon – desire to cause jealousy the of the beloved that it will once again be convinced of her love and to increase feeling of own importance. For this reason it is necessary to find out in what the reason of current situation. Perhaps, not so long ago you swore, or your relations were just stabilized, and the young man just wants a little freedom. Perhaps, he several times a week needs to spend time only with the friends, without you. Anyway, before drawing conclusions, it is necessary to analyze attentively a situation, considering all trifles.
2. Often men are inclined to tell to the soulmates rash words. For this reason if at a quarrel you hear a phrase "I do not love you", is not necessary to it blindly and to trust unconditionally. Most likely, this phrase was told only in an anger rush, and actually he so does not think. If he had to you no feelings, he would already leave long ago.
3. If in your relations there is no heat, caress and support for a long time, it is worth thinking of whether there are between you feelings. Of course, if your passion cooled down just a little over the years, it can again try to be "kindled", but if it is absent simply, you should not try already. Yes, to leave not so easily, but sometimes it is the only thing to do from current situation. Just remember that in your life there is nothing accidental. Behind any parting it will be obligatory a new meeting.
4. Before looking for the answer to the question "whether the man stopped loving", it is necessary to analyze the behavior. Perhaps, you spend too much time at work, pay to the beloved not enough attention. You should not forget that the woman by the nature can dramatize. From a small insignificant quarrel they can inflate a big problem, make "of a fly of an elephant". Of course, any event can become the reason of a distance of people, but it does not mean at all that your relations ended. Anyway remember if the man decides to leave, he will surely report about it to you in a quiet situation.
5. You can understand one thing: when the man leaves forever, he will not begin to contact you, will not answer your calls and messages, maybe, will even replace the phone number and the residence. Most likely, he will ask friends to tell nothing to you about its existence, will just be gone. I can let you know the new relations of your beloved too that together you never will be any more.