How to understand the feelings to the person

How to understand the feelings to the person

Love? Attachment? Sympathy? All answers are in your heart which it is only possible to understand to you. Often we approach the choice of the partner not after careful consideration and when we analyze, we are disappointed in the person. It occurs because it is not necessary to draw hasty conclusions, and at first to understand the feelings to the person.


1. Answer for yourself several questions, be frank, otherwise this test will not bring benefit. What attracts you in the soulmate? If the appearance, a slim figure, a nice face is a hobby. Only interest the personality, can speak about more deep feelings. Naturally, the appearance should not be on the last place, as well as physical inclination, but if the inner inner world of the partner is not important for you, about love the speech cannot go.

2. How did the relations begin? The love does not arise instantly and there are exceptions, but it is one case from one thousand. Met, the spark flashed, there passed time, it died away, that's all development of the majority of such scenarios confirming only hobby. To fall in love really, some time, at least is necessary to recognize the person closer.

3. Your attitude towards others? When we are keen on someone, the world around as though does not exist, before eyes only your passion, and love means that the person elected by you, naturally most important, but in life still is also friends, relatives, work.

4. It is possible to understand the feelings, having thought of the estimated future. If you want you to be made the happy person if on the first place from the relations you look for benefit for yourself, then such relations no more than hobby. The true love always was, is and will be disinterested. Desire to give all itself to darling, without demanding instead of nothing, can show love. Egoism and love - things not compatible.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
