Many heard the term illuminates who it – to very few people is known. This cult is covered by a mystery cover from the very beginning of the activity. Representatives of this organization ghost live in each corner of the world and it is always not so ordinary people before whom inhabitants feel mystical fear.
Who such illuminates and what they are engaged in?
The award of illuminates is the organization of occult and philosophical orientation, is reserved influencing life of all people. According to some historians, the illuminates which are (brightened up) participate in political life of many countries at the highest level. The greatest power in an award 7 highest illuminates which are prepared since the birth possess. Ordinary illuminates accurately carry out the roles and their actions often lead to armed conflicts, financial and political crises.
Who is illuminates:
- the prudent, clever persons having the most various talents;
- the insensible and heartless heads using ordinary people as puppets.
Illuminates are symbols and signs
The most known symbol of illuminates – a pyramid. It can be seen on the dollar note. The pyramid symbolizes itself a society organization: the bulk of people and the brightened-up layer are divided by abyss. In addition, there are also such signs and symbols of illuminates:
- Osiris's eye - the protecting eye which is located at pyramid top symbolizes the power and superiority over ordinary people.
- Minerva's owl – a symbol of knowledge and wisdom – the little-known sign of illuminates.
- The Latin expression of Novus Ordo Seclorum meaning – a new order of centuries.
Illuminates - the myth or reality?
Questions whether there are illuminates who it, concern people many centuries. As representatives of this society seek for the global domination, it is possible to carry the dictators trying to win the whole world to their representatives. Also carry to illuminates of 13 families, widely famous in the world, among which there are Kennedy, Rothschild, Rokfellera, Onassisa, etc. The proof of existence of secret order of illuminates are also such organizations as the UN and the EU which prevent wars, but at the same time unite the countries.
From where did illuminates undertake?
All truth about illuminates opens when studying history of a cult which arose about two millennia ago. Carry admirers of the Greek goddess Kibela to his first representatives. The founder priest Montan held the gloomy and cruel rituals connected with drawing mutilations. Despite of the paganism dominating at that time, Montan took Christian provisions as a cult basis. Members of sect were considered as brightened up – the possessing secret knowledge. The sect suffered persecution both from pagans, and from Christians since it strongly differed both from the first, and from the second.
Further the doctrine begins the wandering on the world. Carry to illuminates worshipping divine light the brotherhood of the Syrian dervishes existing 4 centuries later Cybele cult. The simple people respected the wandering representatives of this current for knowledge and ability to treat prayers and spells. The power considered brotherhood of dervishes illegal and cruelly pursued, arranging public executions of certain preachers.
Again the secret doctrine in Afghanistan revived. In the 15th century Bayazet Anzari's followers who were similarly calling themselves brightened up, set as the purpose gaining the whole world. Adherents of the doctrine gained magic knowledge which had to provide successful achievement of the goal. However the first steps – attempts of conquest of India and Persia – failed because of self-confidence of heads of a cult.
At the end of the 18th century the society of illuminates once again revived in France under leadership of the Polish mason Gabriyenki and the monk Joseph de Periyetti. During this period the illuminates covered the presence many countries of Europe, and the most numerous branch located in London. Interest in a cult at inhabitants increased repeatedly, there was even a book Secret Societies in which terrible rituals of illuminates were described though mostly it was a fruit of fiction of the author.
One of the most known societies – the Award of the Bavarian illuminates – was founded 18 at the end – the beginning of 19 centuries in Ingolstadt. The leader of adherents was Adam Veysgaupt – the theologian and the philosopher. The set of various theories of the plots connected with gaining world supremacy and capture of total control over people, scientific resources and money is connected with an award.
How to distinguish an illuminate?
Society of illuminates accepted and accepts under the aegis not everyone. To distinguish the adherent of a cult it is necessary to consider several signs in total. The person has to:
- to be rich, influential, ambitious;
- to belong to a powerful surname;
- to graduate from prestigious higher education institution, the known example – Yale University at which society of young illuminates – A skull and bones works.
Philosophy of illuminates
The main idea secret society of illuminates calls reduction of society and the whole world to the new order which is not depending on religions and illusory ideals. Adherents of a cult strive for triumph over time and space therefore they consider themselves higher not only people, but also the law. Ordinary people for illuminates – only tools, weak-willed weight which they operate.
What is wanted by illuminates?
The purposes of illuminates are invariable from the moment of creation of the organization - it is control over the world through management of people. The objectives by means of a set of receptions are achieved.
- Public opinion is adjusted, using literature, media, rumors.
- Low habits and weaknesses – homosexuality, chaotic sexual communications, a race behind pleasures are encouraged.
- To the population views ready and favorable to illuminates are got, spiritual powers are undermined empty demagogy.
- The strong personalities who are not connected with illuminates lose any support, are suppressed.
- People are intimidated by disorders, wars, hunger, spread of an infection.
- are helped about the attraction purpose on the party.
- The laws undermining personal freedom, worsening education are adopted.
Illuminates and masons – a difference
Illuminates and masons – the organizations, similar in outlook, and their participants in the 18th century often passed from one into another. It is considered that after 1785 the cult of illuminates ran low, and there were only masons who can be considered receivers of brightened up. The difference between these two societies is that masons were drawn towards mystical ceremonies more, and illuminates preferred to influence people by means of money and the power.
Who resists to masons and illuminates?
Masons and illuminates now – the oldest societies, peculiar club of gentlemen. However there are those who want to destroy illuminates – it is possible to carry the Dragon award which includes such powerful families as Gabsburgi, Styuarta and Romanov to such organizations. It is considered that adherents of the Order of Malta, award of the White eagle, Lebed and many others resist to masons.
How to become an illuminate?
In the bulk modern illuminates are masons, members of the award Skull and Bones. Strangers – only members of powerful and rich families do not get to this student's society. Can attract in number of adherents also other people having any talents – singers, actors, scientists, etc. Candidacies of applicants are considered by a box, and the decision is made after vote – three negative voices are a cause of failure.
Illuminates in show business
Illuminates consider show business one of instruments of influence on people, especially on youth. The purpose of these figures is to distance the younger generation from parents and to direct on the necessary way. Stars illuminates – who it:
- Rihanna – the illuminate which is often using the identification mark in the form of a devilish greeting.
- The Madonna is the famous fan of occultism many years, say that she has a direct bearing on illuminates.
- Justin Bieber – comes from family of masons and itself is a member of society.
- Jay-Z and Beyonce is a member of society together with the wife.
- Britney Spears, whose mental health problems are result of influence of mystical society.
- Lady Gaga using not only symbolics, but also psychological receptions of illuminates for involvement of the audience.
Illuminates are the interesting facts
Proceeding from the aforesaid, it is possible to recognize that illuminates rule the world and are the real force deciding destinies of certain people and the whole people. Some consider that the president Trump is the king of illuminates since the victory of this politician was predicted by the mystic from Portugal Horatio Villegas. The mystic connects with election of this president also the beginning of World War III. There is a version that Isaac Newton, Nicolaus Copernicus, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei were illuminates.
One more interesting fact is that the hierarchy in an award of illuminates and in usual society often does not coincide. I.e. the person with a high rank, for example, in the government of the country, in an award can be only the ordinary performer who is not making any decisions. And the insignificant owner of cafe or hotel among illuminates can possess the real power and power.
Connect with illuminates also some mysterious death of representatives of show business:
- Anna Nichole Smith – her death was allegedly ordered on one of sacrifices.
- John Lennon – is considered that he was killed by request of illuminates because of some statements.
- Amy Winehouse – her death could be provoked by excessive frankness about one of adherents of an award.
- Michael Jackson – his death could be provoked because of unwillingness to share control over the musical industry.
Books about illuminates
The doctrine of illuminates was described in references more than once.
- Illuminates. Trap and plot Luís Miguel Martinez of Otero. The book narrates about the Bavarian award of illuminates and Adam Veysgaupta.
- Angels and Demons Dan Brown. The adventure detective about a mysterious award and its opposition with official church.
- Counterfeited history Etienne Kass. This book changes all understanding of the reader of the world and tells not only about illuminates, but also masons and Templars.