Kindergarten: rules of adaptation

Kindergarten: rules of adaptation

The birth of the kid is happiness for parents. But time quickly flies and there comes the moment when the child passes to a new stage in the childhood. At this stage there is a need to accustom the child to social communication.

In 2-3 years the child does not feel urgent need in communication with other children yet. To it it is comfortable in the company of parents. Adults act as friends on a game at this time, they can imitate. Other children will not be able to cope with such task because they need communication with seniors.

Adaptation is adaptation to new conditions, circumstances. For the child the kindergarten is the mysterious place where there are absolutely other people with whom earlier he was not familiar. At each child the adaptation takes place in own way. It can be connected with mental and personal features of children. There are hysterics from scratch, refusal of a campaign in a garden, again there can be wet panties, the child sleeps badly, refuses food, when parting cries and does not release mother from himself.

Adaptation usually proceeds difficult, shifts in work of an organism can appear. Parents see only external change – behavior.

It is necessary to prepare for changes in advance. At this time it is desirable to be especially attentive in relation to the kid.

First of all it is necessary to teach him to get acquainted: at the playground, in the park to organize games for children. Further it is necessary to adhere to a day regimen. It is worth teaching to play. It is not simple to execute several manipulations with toys, namely to build a game plot. Much attention should be paid to a talk about kindergarten, it is possible to walk nearby when children come for walk. It is worth teaching the child to independent skills in the sphere of hygiene, collecting on walk.

One more main step is strengthening of health of the child: hardening to put on on weather, frequent walks not only on the street, but also in places of a big congestion of people.

There came long-awaited day, the child goes to a garden. At all children the first weeks pass differently: someone cries, someone easily goes to group, some quickly calm down, others do not manage to be distracted nothing. This normal phenomenon. Parents need to be more patient, quiet, to embrace the kid more often. At home it is worth lowering load of mentality of the child – more rare to watch TV, to exclude actions with a large number of people, it is more free time to spend with the child, to read books, to play quiet games.

Depending on temperament of the child, adaptation can last on average 1-2 months, half a year, year are more rare.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
