Of what addictions in the relations it is necessary to get rid

Of what addictions in the relations it is necessary to get rid

The ideal relations between the man and the woman do not happen. But the union is also interesting to these. However there are certain habits of which it is better to get rid until they finally separated lovers. Let's talk about them in more detail.


When one of satellites has a failure, it, certainly, opens the experiences for darling and the loved one. And in reply to it there is a wish to find understanding, a consolation and support. Or at least an opportunity to express. But some people can spend energy for criticism, but not for search of the decision. And the ordinary confession turns into the real scandal and collision of views. Patience and understanding – the most important in the relations. It needs to be taken as a basis and to try to adhere in such situations. If semantic positions different, then it is necessary to listen to the partner and to try everything is quiet, reasoned to explain to him.


Quite logically at collision with troubles to look for that key link which became a starting point of destructions. However it is more important what then to do with it. It is possible to accuse the elect of weak character, softness, laziness or excessive self-confidence. But what you receive as a result?... It is much more effective to support darling, in common to try to find a solution. Everyone consciously to himself chooses the partner. And or he accepts him, or continues search.


Couple of lovers are a whole. Whether it will be correct to brag of the achievements, discharging in the elect's shadow? Certainly, such behavior is unacceptable. It is not necessary to be competitors, partnership is an equality. Even if at one of satellites of business develop more successful, these should not be proud. It is necessary to support, create motivation, "to bring up" the darling.


Sometimes lovers remind children, well, or perceive the elects so. At the slightest offense seek to think up punishment. For example, deprive of proximity, boycott and so forth. However it is necessary to remember that the favor is always rewarded more and more pleasantly. Also there is nothing terrible and global in what your elect in working vanity forgot about another anniversary.


One more wrong behavior model in the relations. Why? Because it already obviously forms not equality, but submission. So in exchange for service the partner promises something to buy the elect or to execute. However such relations, as a rule, are short-lived. More effectively in this case to go for negotiations. 

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
