Problems in family during pregnancy

Problems in family during pregnancy

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For the man and the woman expectation of the child – the whole kaleidoscope of emotions. Someone experiences joy, and someone meets problems in relationship. What can become the reason of these problems?

Hormonal background

During pregnancy at the woman occur change of a hormonal background therefore there is a change of a psychoemotional background: the increased irritability, sharp differences of mood, emergence of whims. It is heavy to man to understand such changes because he was never influenced by it and will not be able to test. Because of it there are conflicts, not the solution of which leads to more global family problems.

To fix this problem not so difficult: it is necessary to devote more time to a talk with the partner (both the man, and the woman), to share the pleasures and experiences.

Feeling sick

During incubation of the child the woman is influenced by a number of physical and physiological changes: increase in weight, a body metamorphosis, hypostases, the raised diuresis, problems with depletion, etc. At the time, the man of similar changes is not influenced therefore whims and some experiences of the woman for him are unclear.

Decision: it is more indulgent to treat experiences of the woman, in every possible way to support her.

Lack of intimate proximity

All know that during pregnancy not only the condition of the woman, but also her figure undergoes changes: someone gains 10 kg for all pregnancy, and someone and all 30! The woman believes that she is less sexual and desired for the man during pregnancy therefore she feels discomfort during sex. At the same time many men believe that sex can do much harm to future kid (that, of course, is not true) because of what the woman can consider herself unattractive for the partner.

Decision: the words of love and compliments to the woman will help to eliminate experiences concerning the changes which happened during incubation of the kid. Consultation with the doctor on sex during pregnancy.

Participation in preparation for the birth only one of spouses

It is no secret, that in preparation for the birth only future mother, as a rule, is engaged. What enters preparation? Purchase of things, furniture, leaving objects and also that is the most important, visit of the observing doctor. Even at such moments the woman has to feel support of future father who can look at many things a little differently, calm and encourage the spouse.

Decision: participation of the man in all preparations for appearance of the newborn.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
